Study Shows Difference in Brain Function Between Liberals and Conservatives | Aharon Ben David

In a recent PBS documentary series about the brain, neuroscientist David Eagleman visited Virginia Tech’s research institute to talk with them about how they discovered that they could tell whether or not somebody was a liberal or a conservative from a brain scan. The Montague Lab at Virginia Tech uses theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches to the problems of mental health and its derangement by disease and injury. They recently pioneered new approaches to measure sub-second fluctuations in dopamine and serotonin levels in the striatum of conscious human subjects.

What they found was a link between a person’s politics and one basic reaction, disgust, when volunteers go into an MRI scanner where they look at a series of images.

They are shown somebody with a knife to somebody else’s throat, physically threatening a dead corpse, flies on a salad or something equally disgusting.

These things elicit responses in your nervous system, and we recorded their brain activity in the MRI. Afterward, they answer a political ideology survey with questions including:

How do you feel about gun control, Abortion, Relations before marriage and other topical politically charged issues?

Montague’s lab results are striking. The greater the disgust response in the brain, the more conservative the person is likely to be. A smaller response correlates with a more liberal outlook. The response to a single disgusting image can predict the score on the political ideology test with a 95% accuracy.

The results showed that when liberals see something that’s potentially dangerous or disgusting, perverted or abnormal instead of having the normal warning signs going off in their brain that alerts them that something is not right they feel nothing. Even though the subject’s observation of the images shows the subject knows the implications, but can’t express it. Liberals are, instead, repulsed by normal things like responsibility in jobs, families and other observable phenomena where the liberal media promotes new genders that heretofore have been described as masculine, feminine or androgynous.

The discovery at the neuroimaging lab at Virginia Tech fits in with other research that’s been published in the American Journal Of Political Science which found that while liberals tend to be more psychotic in surveys, they have also found that conservatives find life more meaningful than liberals.

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    • I must have missed that. I thought it was what you think and how you react that was important. And Chazal spun that for thousands of years. Thanks for clearing that up.

    • I don’t see the word “think” nor “react” anywhere in the article. I did see the word “reaction” (to disgust) but that’s what everyone was tested for. Personally, what I learned is that we are always tested for what we think and how we react by Hashem. Why is it that so many so called “scientists” always look at the results and don’t say how they got there. You know, like Dr. Fauci or Charles Darwin. At least Sir Isaac Newton admitted it was an apple falling on his head.

  1. As Rush Limbaugh said many years ago, it takes no brains to be a liberal.

    In order to be a conservative, you have to think about something. Liberals don’t think, they simply react.

    Rush was right again!

    שפתיו דוממות בקבר

  2. I went with a friend of mine to eat out.
    I happened to tell my friend that fish is supposed to be good for the brain.
    So he asked the waiter if the restaurant serves fish.
    “Are you kidding?” the waiter replied. “We serve top quality salmon here, liberally dusted with plenty of salt and pepper.”
    My friend heard that, and immediately got up and left the restaurant.
    “If it’s liberally dusted, it’s not for me,” he told the waiter. “I’m all for brain food, but it’s got to be conservative brain food.”

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