PHOTO: Stolin Yeshiva at Gourmet Glatt

7[COMMUNICATED] [Click here for this week’s specials] Last week the Stolin Yeshiva Pre-1A Rebbe Yochonon Perlowitz, brought his class to Gourmet Glatt to teach about kosher fish in honor of Parshas Shmini.

A Gourmet Glatt employee shared “We are so proud to have been chosen to do this. Blu Fish Market has one of the best selections of fresh fish to be able to demonstrate to the kids.”

Stolin Yeshiva has the philosophy of providing real, hands-on chinuch to bring what the class is learning to life, which helps them internalize and remember it, and makes a tremendous impact on them. It was a beautiful kiddush Hashem how the boys behaved so well in the store , and were so attentive.

“Yeshiva Stolin Karlin would like to express our sincere appreciation to Gourmet Glatt of Lakewood for hosting our talmidim in their store.

Our talmidim immensely enjoyed the hands-on experience of learning about what makes a fish Kosher. Thank you for enabling us to teach our students ahavas hatorah and mitzvos with gishmak!”

Lakewood welcomed the Yeshiva Stolin Karlin to the community, under the auspices of the Stoliner Rebbe and run by the menahel Rabbi Rosenbaum. The cheder was founded this year when leaders of Stolin in Lakewood got together to fill the need in the community.

The rebbeim at the Stolin Yeshiva have such an important role in the education of our children and the future of klal yisroel as a whole.

The yeshiva provides Gourmet Glatt gift card bonuses to the rebbeim to aid in their Pesach shopping, so that they can continue being rebbeim and doing their important work, teaching torah with such passion and warmth, and Gourmet Glatt is proud to contribute to this mitzvah.

Extended store hours this week:
Sunday-Thursday 7am-1am
Erev Pesach 6:30am-2:30pm

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