Sterling Forest Bais Medrash will be hosting the Tefillin Awareness Project tomorrow morning, June 20th. Sofrim will be available from 8:45 a.m. until 10:30 to check and correct tefillin placement, inspect and blacken retzuos, check batim, adjust kesharim and advise on other issues relating to tefillin, all free of charge.
Thousands have taken advantage of this opportunity as part of the program. This is the fifth time the program has come to Lakewood following events hosted at Khal Ateres Yaakov, Khal Ateres Yeshaya and Kol Aryeh. The Rabbanim of these shuls, Rav Shlomo Gissinger, Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen and Rav Moshe Peretz Schwartz showed much appreciation to the organizers of this unique event.
For more information, or to arrange this project in your shul or yeshiva, contact Avrohom Schachter at 718-377-6735 or email: [email protected]