Statement from Lakewood Police Chief Greg Meyer on the Attacks [EXCLUSIVE]

Chief Gregory Meyer released the following statement to TLS:

“In light of yesterday’s events, we have added increased uniformed and plainclothes patrol Township wide. It appears that the suspect in custody was acting alone, and there is no information that suggests additional acts of violence.”

The Chief added, “We will continue to work along side our County, State and Federal partners to ensure the safety of our residents. As always if you see something suspicious or suspect something is out of the normal that you call the police department. 732-363-0200 x 0. Delays in contacting the police slow and delay our response.”

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  1. what took so long from 115pm till after 9 to catch this terrorist?
    when we need the cops most they are not around and when we dont need them mst they are here with the state troopers giving tickets

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