Governor Murphy: “Everyone 6 months of age and older can now be protected against severe COVID-19 illness following today’s recommendation by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
On June 17, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the Pfizer vaccine for children 6 months through 4 years of age and the Moderna vaccine for children 6 months through 5 years of age. Today, the CDC Director endorsed the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ recommendation that enables everyone 6 months of age and older to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This is welcome news for parents concerned with ensuring their children have the strongest protection against COVID-19.
Vaccines are safe and effective tools against serious illness, hospitalization and death. We have pre-ordered vaccine doses and have been working with our vaccination sites and healthcare providers to get them ready to vaccinate these younger children, and they are prepared to begin as soon as they receive the vaccine.
Children under age 5 who receive the Pfizer vaccine for their age group will be given three doses at one-tenth the strength of adult doses, and children under age 6 who receive the Moderna vaccine for their age group will receive two doses at one-quarter the strength of an adult dose.
We encourage parents of young children to schedule an appointment to get their child vaccinated. Parents who have questions about the vaccine should talk to their pediatrician or healthcare provider.
Everyone is urged to stay up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations. All individuals ages 5 and older who have completed their primary series are now eligible for a booster five months after completing their primary series.
Anyone who has not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine should strongly consider doing so to help protect themselves, their families and their communities. In addition, anyone eligible for a booster dose or recommended for a second booster dose who has not yet received theirs should get it today to enjoy a safer and healthier summer.”
Please google the efficacy rates and how many participants had to be in the actual trial to get this passed for the Chinese Corona.
Be informed.
Then take and give all the shots you want.
Fact Checked, corrected.
On June 17, 2022, the corrupt FDA authorized the Pfraudulent isn’t a real vaccine by definition for children 6 months through 4 years of age and the Modeathna vaccine for children 6 months through 5 years of age. Today, the corrupt CDC Director was paid a lot of money to endorse the revised CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ recommendation with thousands of deleted pages that enables everyone 6 months of age and older to be “vaccinated” against COVID-19. This should be horrifying news for parents concerned with ensuring their children have the strongest T-cell immune protection against any virus.
These let’s play God MRnA spike protein cytokine storm injections are deadly weapons and do nothing but cause permanent serious illness, hospitalization and death for us and generations to come.
We have been ordered and well-paid to pre-order vaccine doses and have been working with our corrupt vaccination sites and healthcare providers to get them ready to annihilate as many humans as we can beginning with infants as young as we choose.
Parents who have questions about the vaccine should not talk to their incompetent pediatrician or healthcare provider but do extensive research on their own, before they destroy themselves, their families and their communities from within by allowing idol worshipping, Satanic demons to play god by intentionally tampering with God’s perfect creation.
In addition, anyone eligible for a booster dose or recommended for a second booster dose who has not yet received theirs should never accede to the murderous agenda of this atheist, God hating, power hungry, idol worshipping, immensely influential minority, as the world blames their motivation as being Jewish.
Rest assured that God will soon destroy them.
Where are they going to be available?
I am not from the anti vaccine club, but whoever gives this to there children, I must say are killing there children.
Please tell how many children that had covid died during the pandemic? I believe none.
Unless you count the ones the had covid but died from something else, and they put down that they died from covid.
This is a money making business for Pfizer and the other drug companies.
And last bur not least, who do you think is getting a kick back from the drug companies?
You gusset right.
Dr Fauci.
This week at a hearing in the senate, Dr Rand Paul ask Dr Fauci if he is getting a kick back from the drug companies, and he said that he dosen’t have to disclose what he gets from them.
What a sham!!!!shame!!!!!
By the way, I got the vaccine.
@anti Faxx you couldn’t have said it better. Your name should be @facts though. Anyone that thinks otherwise has homework to do…
Is Hatzolah and bikur cholim going to put out a statement against this madness?
I am in Israel, and we saw first hand what these vaccines did. There was a facebook post on the health ministry’s page inviting anyone to share if they had any adverse effects from the vaccine. it was flooded daily with over a hundred new stories, and facebook was constantly deleting the comments on that post. Someone took a video scrolling down the comments- it took over a half hour to scroll down that comment page. Eventually they just deleted that post. Soon after Israel allowed vaccines to children, suddenly they remembered there was a law requiring AED’s for heart failure in schools as well…MMM, what a coincidence. DO NOT GIVE YOUR CHILDREN THESE SHOTS!!!
I just copied and pasted the propaganda statement word for word and fixed it.
Thank you,
Certified Fact Checker
@Anti Faxx
They left out Jabson & Jabson
Baruch Hashem. Thank you TLS because Ron Benvenisti posted about Hydoxychloroquine in March 2020 even before anywhere else talked about it. I read his sources and was able to get an Rx from Dr. Simone Gold, who the DOJ just threw in jail. I never got jabbed. I never got Covid. Been on it since that article along with Dr. Vlad Zelenko’s protocol.
Please daven for Dr. Gold who is also a Yid to get out of jail and Dr. Zelenko who has been battling stage 4 cancer and his prognosis is not good, R’L. They have saved millions.
What say you, Dr. Roberts? Please, we need some clarity.