The following is a statement submitted to TLS by new Fire Commissioner Attorney Larry Loigman following last night’s Fire Budget cut: “The fact that $150,000 could be trimmed so easily from the budget vindicatesour position that the board has not been acting in a fiscally responsible manner. I am continuing to request, and review, financial information, even though I do not take office until March 6. I hope that additional reforms can be implemented during the coming year so that Lakewood can be assured of excellent fire protection at a reasonable cost.”
The new budget will be voted on and handed down at the next Township Committee meeting. TLS.
Mr loigman wouldn’t it be nicve if u would sit down or write a letter to the firefighters just to show them u r on the same team
Keep going!
boo 🙁
He’s not a commissioner yet, he may have won the election but when was he sworn in!
Is that what we voted for to only trim $150000?????
what do you think is going to be cut ? do you realize we pay more than 400 thousand dollars just for the use og fire hydrants to the water company a year ? do you also realize that we have 2 paid fire trucks on cll 24/7/365 in order to handle the thousands of co calls and alarm calls every year . that cost 800 thousand alaon thats 1.2 million just there , shall we get into what a fire truck cost ? or hose or equipment. how about insurance , u think that is cheap. so what are you looking to take away from the budgit.. what is your suggestion ?
does anyone in here know what the toms river fire budgit is a year ? between district one and 2 their budgit is 10 million., thats with no paid dept..
to #5 they should not have trimed anything!!
Keep going strong!!!
between district one and 2 their budgit is 10 million., thats with no paid dept..
And we are complaining over having a 3.1 mill budget..its truly a shame that it comes to this every year..
I hope all of Lakewood is proud of what you have done to the LFD. People shouldn’t vote when they have no idea what is going on. When you voted like you did, who are you trying to punish and why? You’ll end up hurting yourself in the log run. I can’t wait to see Larry and his 200 volunteers run into a burning building, like —– would. I’m glad all of Lakewood will be saving up to .30 cents per household a year, if that. Smart move Lakewood. The fact is there will be fires and I would gladly pay that extra .30 cents for the best in protection. Remember no more harmony with the LFD,
Too bad they cut all of the fat out from the fire budget and depleted the reserve. Now if the 200 people join the fire dept under the new stream lined membership process they will not be able to fight fire because the town cannot afford fire gear. To outfit a fireman with the proper gear head to toe cost about $5000. 200 new members x $500 = $1,000,000 . Looks like they will have to wait till 2013 to join or float a bond for the money to make a purchase. Bonds take a few months to put together and come with an interest payment . Glad those who voted the budget down were thinking about the towns well being. Friend like that I don’t need.
Thank you, Mr Loigman. Responsible citizens appreciate what ur doing. Keep it up ! Larry for Mayor !
First of all $150,000 is nothing nada not even a start its an embarrassment. 2)in a recent lakewoodscoop article it says how BOE approved 5.2% increase which is a heck of alot more than the complete fire dept budget so stop playing games with us if you want to waste our money be open about dont try and hide behind good deeds of saving us money
Why is anyone giving Larry credit for anything…… he is NOT a commissioner yet, he had nothing to do with this past budget.
Larry sat in on the budget meetings and he know’s there is no more Fat to be cut.. They let him in on meetings even when he wasn’t sworn in yet..So why is he making another statement (dare you to print this,,cause you never print what I say)
“budgit”??? It’s “budget”, people. I guess this shows the level of education by all those commenting.
Does anybody realize that Lakewood has no volunteers anymore? Let’s be honest and sincere. Each of the 5 firehouses in town have 2 firetrucks that do not have firefighters to man. Waste. Why are there 6 firehouses when the firefighters respond from outside towns, like Barnegat? Waste. Why is there 2 paid fire stations with 1 man in each. Can’t 2 men stay in 1 firehouse together? Waste. Why did the fire department purchase 2 paid trucks at $550,000 each when there is extra trucks in town that they can use? Like I said, too many trucks no members. Neptune paid firefighters use hand me down trucks. Why can’t Lakewood? Why is there 3 fire chiefs vehicles? Do the fire commissioners receive medical benefits? Before we statrt comparing to Howell or Brick or Toms River we should answer where our money goes?
Commissioners do not receive any benefits whatsoever! They get paid $2000 a year. After taxes that comes out to $1400. Paid Firefighters use special one man trucks that are great for first responders. The Volunteers are bigger trucks capable of holding 6 to 8 person crews. That is why it is important that a commissioner have firefighter experience. Persons without any experience will make comments like #18(concerned citizen) just made. Dumb!
Concerned citizen, your questions should be directed to the fire commissioners, not an internet news forum. You have some very valid questions that the general public should have answered. BUT you may not like the answers.
There are no volunteers? did all the recent fire go out by themselves? I think there was more than two guys that showed and fought them. Yes, it may not be the hundred plus that Lakewood once had years ago but please don’t say Lakewood has no volunteers because that’s a very inaccurate statement. No fire dept in the area has the man power that it had 5 or 10 years ago.
Membership ranks are on the increase for some of the companies thanks to new frum members who have joined. The new members are being welcomed with open arms contrary to what was claimed recently. Please reach out to them and they will tell you the truth. One can only hope the new members spread the word to their friends that what outsiders or malcontents have claimed is very far from being accurate and prospective applicants are welcome and treated with respect regardless of the color of their skin or their religious beliefs.
As for the other towns surrounding Lakewood
Howell – 4 fire districts 7 fire house, 8 chief vehicles- Combined budgets- well over Lakewood’s budget, fire inspection dept
Brick- 3 fire district, 9 fire houses, 8 + command vehicles, Combined Budget -well over Lakewood’s. fire inspection dept
Toms River – 2 fire district, 9 fire houses, 10 + command vehicles, combined budget of near $10 MILLION , fire inspection dept., and paid fire dispatcher.
Go to the next fire commissioners meeting and ask questions. You will get the truth and learn what’s required to run the business. I don’t think they have anything to hide. The township committee has also dissected the fire budget two years in a row.
Hey concerned citizen:
It is ignorant comments like yours that hurt the Volunteers. You don’t know what you are talking about but you insist on spouting garbage.
I guess you would like the Fire Commissioners to shop E-BAY for the next fire truck and the Volunteers carry the needed equipment in their cars ?