I want to thank all who voted in the election for caring about all the children of Lakewood and especially those that voted for me. As soon as the board is installed we can get down to keeping our promises. More cost effective contacts with more services and a better education for our public school children.
Thank you.
Lee Mund
You mean Contracts? not Contacts !
id like to see the public school system producing more succesful members of society. what can you do about it? also quite honestly the people have lost trust in Boe.
can u post weekly updates somewhere of every decision boe makes, popular or not?
please dont give in to any outside pressures. we are trusting you with millons dont let us down.
The BOE meets once a month. Please update us every quarter.
Please updateus every day, and get to work on bus locaters as well.
How about a contract for the overworked underpaid teachers . How does it look to all that there is endless amounts of money for busing but teachers in one of the toughest most low paid disticts cant get a contract
I want transcripts of every discussion, debate and decision. I want weekly progress reports. I want the Board meetings Minutes posted online within a few days.
I want.. I want.. I want..
You know what I want.. so get to work for me already!
I guess after all you are not pro the Non public school!!
To the overworked underpaid teacher:
There are plenty of teachers in Lakewood who wish they can work for the Board of Ed, and would be willing to work for much less of a salary that what you already get. So, seriously, why should my taxes go up to pay for your salary increase, when there are plenty of other qualified teachers who can work for less?
Be happy we didn’t fire you and hire the other qualified teachers.
Oh, and did I mention, I didn’t get a raise in my salary in over five years. Why should I pay for a raise for you? You’re overworked??? Do you work 10 hours a day like I do? And I don’t get health benefits and pensions like you (paid for by the poor taxpayers like me.)
So stop whining about your salary increase. You don’t have a contract because you haven’t agreed to the salary that the Board offered you. Stop whining and you’ll get a contract without a raise – like the rest of us poor folks who are supporting you.
I would like to have a weekly “Thank-You” statement from the new members. In return, we will all post a big “You Are Welcome”.
were does the board of ed meet? when will the new board take over?
Don’t forget what you said on TLS: “our teachers are constantly getting the beating.”
So, whats with the board attorney??
Lead by action, not words
Personal opinion would be wrong move to fire, maybe try and work together
to overworked teacher
How are you overworked with 11 weeks off in the summer, winter break, spring break, and every holiday that you could think of. you work a total of maybe 180 days a year.
In response to number 8
I do work 10 hour days and buy many of my own materials. I would like to know when you are volunteering to come in and see what the Public School Teachers have to deal with in combination with having to help the children learn. I also am a taypayer and feel cuts need to be made in all areas across the board. Bussing needs to be addressed as that is a very large part of the budget.
To # 8. You don’t talk like a Yid at all. Ditto for 15.
I’m #15 and no I’m not a Yid…
Yes teachers get summers off from teaching but most have summer jobs and also need to have part time jobs during the school year.Get a break around Christmas and Easter,most of the other days off are because they have to take the Jewish holidays off. The summer break is all over the state so stop making it sound like it is only in Lakewood.
Hope someone wakes up before it is to late and realizes some one is trying to ruin what is left of Lakewood and the public school system
I just want to know why the most recent Board Minutes posted on the BOE website, are from the January Meeting, over three months ago, and why there are only One Year’s Minutes. How do I look-up the record from before then?
New Team: (1) Please post the Minutes in a timely manner, and please post the archives of the Minutes for the past 5 years. You have all these in digital format. There’s virtually no cost involved.
Thank you,
To #8
Just because teachers are willing to work in BF for a 7000 salary that does not mean the PB teachers are not underpaid. Many public school teachers do not have a rich father-in-law or parent to suplement their income.
are you fearful of hearing the truth? why leave my comments in moderation when they are valid points that are not only my own perception of the problem ,but many others whom I know have the same oppinion yet you will not post tit W H Y ?