Many Sprint users in Lakewood are again experiencing a loss of service, TLS has learned. The data and phone issues, says Sprint, is expected to be repaired 11:30 PM Central Time, (12:30 AM local time), although an exact time could not be given.
A local official tells TLS that the Lakewood Utility Advisory Committee intends to address the issue at a future board meeting.
Following the last UAC meeting, Mayor Miller told TLS the committee was looking to have other utility companies – such as phone companies – join the board. TLS-RBAS.
why is this news? it happens twice a week!!
wake up people!! join verizon…….at least you will have service!!!!!
is there anyway to make a class action lawsuit against sprint?
if you complain about cell-towers then you’re gonna have shoddy service!
U get wat u pay for w/ sprint….
Cant believe this is STILL making news! Its happening every 2nd day!
Everyday between 2and 4 PM I can’t make phonecalls, it’s mamash a shanda!
I have been having horrible experience with sprint the last 8 months , I never get any incoming calls becasue there is no service available.
Verizon Wireless is the best service in the area. Why put up with outages when there are options/
if all sprint customers would putt thru a call once a week we wouldnt be here
Why is it the township issue about my cell service??? Why can’t they stick to real issue s that affect our township? Oh by the way my pizza order never comes well done maybe the committee can bring down my pizza store owner!!!
Goverment is for the people by the people. If you would be having as much difficulty dealing with the beruacacy of a a pizza store as thousands in this town have with sprint,then I have no doudt the township will do everything in their power to help you.
this the first time i have had such a problem with sprint but it has been about a week already
S per the sprint tech support:
Sprint has had outages in the lakewood area since nov. 18 . Due to work in the area upgrading service! The service will be restored to full capabilities this eve.
Verizon is prohibitively expensive for many. Price difference in plans range from as much as $60 and up. Some simply can’t afford the switch.
I have hadSprint for the past 13 years and have NOT had a single issue. I use roughly 3,000 minutes a months peak time. Actually where I live (near Hope and County Line) Verizon has no service!