Birds seen not adhering to police warning about walking on Lake Carasaljo – seems to be fowl play.

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lol.cracked me up
thanks for the positivity
we can all use a good laugh sometimes
Thats what happens when you allow the swan boats to remain there over the winter, the birds see the bigger kids there and also want to join in, monkey see monkey do (or shall i say seagull sea seagull doo). and dont say such jokes while ice skating as the ice might crack up!!
Btw how’s The Kush Bridge doing these days in these cold temperatures??
LPD Arrests Large Flock of Birds Who Ignored Police Warnings About Strolling On Semi Frozen Lake
Duck Informant Who Revealed Birds’ Identities Enters the Duck Witness Protection Program, Laments, “Now My Goose Is Really Cooked!”
A Lakewood Township duck who revealed the identities of a criminal bird ring that ignored police warnings about walking on top of the semi-frozen Lake Carasaljo has entered the Duck Witness Protection program Monday after expressing fears of bird retaliation to the LPD police and lamenting to law enforcement officials that, “Now my goose is really cooked!”
The duck, who spoke to reporters via zoom from an undisclosed pond – disguised in an ostrich costume, with his bird-chirping voice altered via voice modification technology, in order to protect his identity – said he recognized this particular criminal ring of birds from previous interactions with them.
“They’ve been stealing worms from Lake Carasaljo ever since I can remember,” he said, “but when I registered my complaints with the local bird authorities they told me to mind my own business. But how am I supposed to mind my own business when my ducklings are lacking the worm supplies they need to survive?!”
“These same criminal birds arrive here every winter; they stroll on top of the semi-frozen lake, and many of them fall into lake, never to surface again,” the duck said, “it’s a terrible tragedy, despite the criminal nature of these birds.”
When asked what the future holds for him, now that he faces the threat of retaliation from the birds, the duck informant said, “I have no choice; I’m packing my nest and moving to Toms River. I hear there’s some beautiful lakes over there with plenty of worms, snails and frogs to eat. I won’t go hungry over there, that’s for sure. And there’s a thriving duck community over there that will welcome me with open wings and feathers.”
When asked whether the Ostrich disguise he was wearing was a viable and realistic disguise, the duck informant said: “Probably not, but worst comes to worst, I can always don a baseball uniform disguise and join the Toms River Little League team.”