Special S.S.S.S. Shiur Filmed Today In Eretz Yisroel

VIDEO of the weekly Nesivos Shalom Shiur on the Parhsa, delivered by R’ Yisroel Meir Shapiro. This week, the Shiur was filmed just outside the walls of the Old City of Yerushalayim.

R’ Yisroel Meir is currently in Eretz Yisroel for the 2nd Annual Yarchei Kallah with the Shiur of Reb Lazer Apter Shlita.

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  1. Great shiur.Nice to see the Lakewood kehillah in Yerushaliam .Even though its cold out tonight there is a misiras nefesh to give the shiur outdoors .Just wondering why the shiur was not given in one of the heimeshe herring places in geulah or maybe in big apple pizza or better yet the king David hotel lobby or any number of 300 restaurants Yerushaliam has ?Was there nothing comparable to ssss? Also for an idea the shiur should visit the mir with the video cam and give our Lakewood yungerleit a sneak peek of whats to come.Have a great shabbos from a former lakewooder now yerushalmi.

  2. Welcome to Artzeinu hakedosha! I watch this shiur every week on the lakewoodscoop. Nice to see it done in our own backyard. It is always obvious from your shiurim how much you love Eretz Yisroel. May we all join together here soon.

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