Some Children Will Not Be Added To Bus Routes For Another Week, Board Member Says

School children whose bus cards were not received by the Board Of Education, will not be added to the bus routes for about another week, Board Of Education member and Chairmen of Transportation Committee Isaac Zlatkin tells TLS. Zlatkin says the bus drivers perform a dry run a week prior to school with the names on the route list, hence, as not to confuse the drivers with new names each day, a week is given after school starts before new names are added to the route list.

Parents who have not submitted their cards, are asked to do so as soon as possible. TLS-CCP.

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  1. Alot of people got this year bus passes that does not say on it where the bus stop is or a time for the bus pickup, could tls post if those kids qualify for bussing or not? And if not why did they got this confusing cards?

  2. I got a bus card for my daughter for a school that did not accept her. Is this school collecting any $ for this?? Just curious!

  3. My kids got a bus for themselves
    for a whole hour until the bus brought them to school I guess we had special cards they were the only ones on a big yellow bus

  4. all boys and girls must have placement by now. If these schools were open to the public the outcry would be enormous. When are the people running the private schools going to realize this. I would appreciate if mr. zlatkin would tell the residents of lakewood do the private schools recieve public funds and if yes foe what. We understand busing, what else

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