Smoke Smell In Lakewood From Large Brush Fire South Of Toms River

brush fireU/D: While authorities battle a brush fire in Ocean County that has scorched up to 150 acres of an isolated wooded area near Warren Grove, the smell of smoke has reached as far up as Lakewood. An Official tells TLS that Leisure Village residents have complained about the smoke smell, fearing there was a fire nearby. The blaze is south of Route 72, about 30 miles north of Atlantic City. So far, up to 150 acres have been destroyed by the fire, which started at about 12:40 p.m. this afternoon. Officials expect the fire will grow in size throughout the night, and can burn up to 1,000 acres.

Update 11:30 p.m. The fire has already destroyed approximately 600 acres.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

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