The following is a letter submitted to TLS by Beth Stein, a sister of Dovid Robbins Z’L. To Dovid’s Friends, I really appreciate all that have taken it upon themselves to say Mishnayos for my beloved brother, Dovid. ZT”L. I am planning on writing a book about Dovid’s early years, growing up in New Jersey, explaining the struggles we all faced, especially Dovid. I have some photos to start off and will collect some early pictures from relatives if possible to get them. I plan to take half of the proceeds and give it to Tzedukkah. (mezuzah and tefillin campaign.)
I would appreciate anyone who has pictures of Dovid’s dancing at their chanssinahs or just at any simcha, to contact me. Perhaps if you would like to share the funny jokes or stories of the shabbosim he spent in Lakewood, that would be great! Dovid accomplished so much in the short life he had. Anything positive or lovely that Dovid added to their lives, please fill me in on it, and help fiinish the story of his life here on earth – those later years that I missed out on.
Please email me at [email protected].
* I am looking for a publisher to help me with this project, so if anyone knows someone who might sponsor the financial aspect of what is involved, or if anyone owed him money please forward your check to:
Beth Stein
1599 East 18th Street (2nd Floor)
Brooklyn, NY 11230
I remember the days we played toegether baseball in Montauk JHS on 16th Ave and 43rd Street, the chevrah remembers?.. Good ball!
almost not possible to profit on such a bookunless you get someone to sponsor the book.
I remember seeing Dovid z”l used to walk the streets of Flatbush and just his smile was enlightening and made others do the same. He was aguest by Reb Yosef Pressburger Z”L many times and he davened occasionally at Reb Eliezer Ginsburg’s Shlita shul in Flatbush. Other times I would see him at Landau’s Shul and he was always besimcha. He used to be at Chasuna’s and he was mesameach the chosson just by being there, That is the way I will always remember him.
Dovid was a regular shabbos guest at our house. He brought so much simcha into anyplace that he went. Always had a vort or cute chap. I remember him dancing at my wedding and i still smile when i think of the joy he had in making everyone b’simcho.
Yehi Zichroi Boruch