Singer Bill to Protect Seniors from Unfair Early Termination Fees Signed Into Law

New Jersey Governor Murphy signed legislation today sponsored by Senator Robert Singer (R-Lakewood) that would protect seniors and other long-term care patients from incurring early termination fees from telecommunication services. The bill, S-684, would require cable, phone, and internet companies to allow customers to terminate their service contracts without incurring an early termination fee following a physician’s referral to a long-term care facility for a stay of at least 90 days.

“Today marks a significant victory for individuals in long-term care facilities,” said Sen. Singer. “Those who are unable to use services like cable, phone, or internet due to medical needs shouldn’t be penalized with early termination fees. This new law ensures that individuals can easily cancel their contracts, so they can focus on what matters most, their health and wellbeing.”

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