Singer Bill that Would Increase Aid for Adult Day Care Services Clears Committee

Legislation sponsored by Senator Robert Singer that would increase the adult day care Medicaid per diem rate was approved today by the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

“This increase in funding will help providers better assist, protect, and support the elderly throughout our state,” said Singer (R-30). “Adult day health services are crucial to the physical and emotional well-being of New Jersey seniors. Bolstering these services is a win-win for both patients and their families.”

Under Singer’s bill, S-3144, the Fiscal Year 2023 supplemental appropriation provides $3.6 million to the Department of Human Services to increase the adult medical day care Medicaid per diem rate by four percent from $86.10 to $89.54.

The per diem rate was increased from $78.50 to $82 in FY 21, and from $82 to the current rate in FY 22. Prior to these increases, the rate was static at $78.50 since FY 12.

“With increased support, these facilities will be in a better position to offer more services and specialized care, including nursing, nutrition, medication management, and both physical and behavioral therapy,” added Singer.

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  1. Nutrition can use improvement,. So much food in this world (all over) is junk food, and there should be no junk food machines at these facilities (or really anywhere). They should serve very healthy meals, and snacks should be very healthy, pleasant types. TY

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