A personally inscribed Siddur by one of the Gedolei Hador will be raffled off at an upcoming exclusive fundraiser in Lakewood, TLS has learned. The reception, to benefit the Kollel of the father of the Foreign Affairs Commissioner of Bnei Brak, R’ Eli Hoder, will be taking place next Sunday at the home of a local Askan.
R’ Eli Hoder, a close confidant of Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman and Rav Chaim Kanievsky – and the right hand man to Bnei Brak’s Mayor Rabbi Yaakov Asher – heads his father’s Kollel, Mosdos BaYom Hashishi in Bnei Brak, which the fundraiser will benefit.
In a special raffle for the exclusive group of attendees, a priceless Siddur personally inscribed by Hagaon Reb Aharon Leib Shteinman, will be raffled off at the event, and later be shipped to the winner after it is inscribed with a personal Bracha for the winner.
Also at the event, Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman – who strongly endorses the Kollel – will speak to the participants in a special video presentation taped specifically for this gathering.
This gedolim stuff has gotten way out of hand. I’ve been saying this ever since Kupat Hair started with this. It’s one thing to have a letter asking for a donation; it’s quite something else to promise prizes “exclusively” for people who give money. They aren’t rock stars and they shouldn’t be embarrassed this way.
where is the raffle taking place? which askan?
Unfortunately in todays generation we need to give incentives for the oilam to give tzedakah. This is definitely a better option then the standard Chinese auction with all the abstract prizes. A siddur from a Gadol Hador is something one can cherish and the gadol feels that’s his contribution towards this organization. Stop looking at things in a negative way.
I would like to attend. How do I get on this exclusive list?
How much is the ticket? Can the siddur be nusach ari?
Would I be eligible?
The Gedolim dont seem to have a problem with “The Gedolim Stuff”
Auctioning yourself (or signature) to the highest bidder is pure Goyishness and very sad. We have become a society of children who need prizes for everything we do.
We salute R’ Eli Hoder who does so much to help many people, he is a shining star in chesed and doing to help others, he is so well connected to the gedollei hador and they have so much admiration and love for him. he is a great person. He is going to be very very famous its worth to get to know him now because one day you will not be able to get to him – this is a place one should want to be there.
Why is TLS posting this if the raffle isn’t even open to the public??
I second the notion that todays “Gedoilim” have been so commercialized. It has taken away from the authenticity that they represent.
Simply adding to the pressure of life in lakewood! Who are the special elite on the list and who is not so lucky….. I can already imagine the pictures of this lavish exclusive event….. I am from the few usually at these events- not anymore!!
Why don’t the gedoilem make exclusive things for your average typical erlich yid!
Many fine balei Batim and kollel yungerleit are just if not more deserving
These events are meant obviously for a fund raiser and in todays troubling economy ones needs to have an imagination how to raise these funds .
I fully respect this idea of raffling off such a priceless gift ( I think it should be given to the highest donor) and wish this organization tons of hatzlocha.
These types of events need to be geared to people who might write a substantial check and to open it to the general public will defeat the purpose
You have to wonder why the scoop would even write such a non-noteworthy article. Considering that this “exclusive” raffle is only open to a select few, why waste precious space on such an articulate website?! Then again, we wouldn’t be having this meaningful conversation had it not been written 😉