The New Jersey State Police announced today they would be setting up a sobriety checkpoint in Toms River this weekend.
But the announcement came as a surprise to many Lakewood residents, wondering why Lakewood hasn’t received such a notice ahead of them setting up multiple checkpoints recently in the town.
“It’s interesting how in Toms River they give warning,” one resident wrote to TLS.
During recent visits by the State Police in Lakewood, numerous residents received summonses – some which were dropped because of evidence, TLS has learned.
In fact, many Lakewood police officers themselves – including the Chief on at least one occasion – were unaware that the Troopers were in town on multiple occasions. They were notified by either their Sergeants, or by TLS.
“If the point is to catch drivers in the act, then don’t notify them, but if you notify some towns, notify them all,” another resident wrote.
are we noticing a bias towards lakewood from the state (again)
Time for Lakewood to pass an ordinance to forbid checkpoints by agencies that are based outside Township lines.
FYI, Route 9, 88, 70 and GSP are State owned road and they are patrolled by NJSP. NJ SP make frequent announcements on social and print media that DWI checkpoints will be set up on State highways. I think what your complaining about is the motor vehicle task force that visit all state highway on a periodical basis to enforce moving and non moving violations. Lakewood has one of the highest per-capital accident rate in the state and the town is visited more often than other towns that have state highways that run through them. I have no issues with the NJSP visits because they are for our protection. There are too many drivers on the road these days that deserve tickets for their poor driving habits. If you can do the time-don’t commit the crime.
All NJSP tickets given go through through the local towns court. If lakewood wants to teach NJSP a lesson the lakewood prosecutor should just drop all the fines given by them
What is the big deal with the State Police being around? If you have nothing to hide so what , they are doing a job that they get paid to do.
NJSP doesn’t set up “checkpoints” in Lakewood. They just make vehicle stops and write tickets. DWI checkpoints, by law, have to be advertised. Obey the law when you drive and they won’t have a reason to stop you.
@ Abe… NJSP has statewide authority, township ordinance can’t overrule that… and do you know why they come here? Because the lack of respect for motor vehicle laws makes their job easy.
NJSP can be go anywhere in the state… They are STATE troopers.
So mr lakewood you mean to say that to pull someone over for dwi they need to warn but for a cell phobe in lakewood thwy dont need to warn ppl
By law police departments HAVE to announce DWI checkpoints. Other type checkpoints do not. And it’s not a check point when they just come in to town and patrol. And how about people drive with a little sense and they won’t have to worry about this stuff
The NJ State Police have jurisdiction in all town of NJ. I do know that they work very close with Lkwd PD and when asked to stay off a certain street, they do.
Why should they have to notify anyone? They are STATE police. Try stopping at stop signs, obeying the speed limit, and putting down your phones and maybe you won’t have to think about the presence of NJSP. No one is above the law.
many times they have given tickets for ridiculous things like an air freshener hanging from the mirror. they come looking to give tickets not uphold the laws