Should Yeshiva Bachurim be Calling and Texting Baaleibatim to Fundraise?

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  1. Respectfully, once, ok.

    But once you call,you leave one message and you don’t call back. And once you text, you send one link and you don’t follow up and you don’t demand specific amounts.

    And while we’re on the topic, the same etiquette needs to be told to meshulachim.
    Recently, I’ve had men ringing & banging after 9 or 10 pm, waking up kids. In a young town like this, don’t come after 8 without an appointment.
    I’ve had ringing/banging more than five times at once even during the day. I’ve had them refusing amounts I give & demanding more. I’ve had them come like theres one man, & I give my max & then out came 4 more from a van halfway down the block- asking for the same amount, while I scramble to figure out where I’m going to come up with the funds for another four people. Done intentionally because if I know that there are five people I would have divided the initial amount in five.

    It’s really not ok.

  2. Bochrim should go on purim to collect like they’ve done for many years

    Just because there isn’t enough hours in the day to pay for your massive building doesn’t mean they have to stop planning for a week to get some prize and harass evrey uncle and bala bus they know.

    Aside from that since when do we want the bochrim to know about money and glam and rich uncles and freinds aren’t we teaching them that’s not the most important thing rather it’s torah torah torah.

    What about the competition of all boys checking there links(obviously not on internet) whose getting more and who is this guy who just gave 5000 I wish I knew him let’s go meet him.

    I think yeshivas should stop digging themselves a hole that they csnt get out of and build nice regular buildings without hotel rooms and health centers and coffee lounges and MAKE PURIM NORMAL AGAIN So the bochrim csn understand purim isn’t all about who collected more and actually do the proper mitzvahs and enjoy simchas purim

  3. Understand the POSITIVE reason behind this new style of purim fundraising.

    There is no opportunity to have “another shot” in exchange for a bigger check.

    May common sense prevail.

    A freilichen and safe Purim.

    A veteran Hatzoloh member

  4. MAKE PURIM NORMAL AGAIN indeed. Enough with the insane show off parties with hundred-piece bands and funny singers. Most people, B”H are sane enough not do it, but some do. Oh, it’s about giving tzidakah. Nobody thinks so. Its showing off because more could be given with the money saved on bouncers, meats, music, etc. What’s wrong with a modest sized Purim party?

  5. I have never heard of a prince shnoring money. Our talmidei hayeshiva learning Torah every day are each a prince among men.

    As much as we want our boys to shteig in Torah we want even more that they shteig in middos tovos. Allowing them to collect unsupervised without rabbeim assuring that each call is done with respect and at the right time is not allowing our boys to shteig in middos.

    The system in place demands no smart phones, no internet, no texting, nothing but calling. Yet, somehow when it comes to raising funds we allow the boys to have all of this (either themselves or by using a parent or other person’s device). The double standard allows each growing bochur to realize that in life, even what’s bad somehow is good if it means you are supporting Torah. Not smart!

    Unfortunately all good moves to the side because budgets need to be met and books balanced so that (I’m not sure why) supersedes all else.

    How sad.

    • There is absolutely nothing wrong with texting. Bochurim who can have phones, can text too.

      The whole anti-texting campaign is absolute tripe.

      But you are right that the same hashgacha has to be on the bochurim as they fundraise to ensure that it is a positive learning experience.

  6. if they can be involved in fundraising which years ago was off limits for the young and inexperienced, perhaps they indeed are mature enough the handle the responsibility of marriage? which for centuries and millenia was accomplished with great success by… teenagers, because they had HASHEM’S BLESSING and that’s all it takes in life

  7. In our Yeshiva, the boys make phone calls only. They do not have access to the links and internet. Anything besides the phone calls is done through the office.

  8. If their Rosh Hayeshiva asked them to, then of course they should listen. Should the Rosh Yeshiva be asking? First become a Rosh Yeshiva & then you’ll have the privilege to decide. It’s not our place to second guess the esteemed leaders of our mosdos Hatorah regarding this issue.

    • My Rosh Yeshiva has a fundraiser on payroll. I never once had to harrass relatives and dont have to raise money out of pressure today either …
      I appreciate my Rosh Yeshivas decision.

  9. Great idea! Let’s marry off all the 24-29 year old girls on the market to the current 17-18 year old bochrim. Shidduch Crisis averted, and none of their wives will let them collect on Purim so the issue here will be taken care of as well. This will be accomplished with great success by all involved with Hashem’s Blessing.

    • the Chofetz Chaim did marry a girl 10 yrs older and became the Gadol Hador, each person has to face his own challenges according to who he is, but as a rule we need to call the bluff, boys are not ready for shidduchim until 24 only because we groom them not to be ready, and with the Torah chinuch and attitude this will all change to reflect their true maturity level.

  10. No no and no. First of all, who is giving out my cell phone to squeaky voiced little kids, who have no tact and limited common sense to solicit from me during the oddest hours of day and night?
    Secondly, as many people pointed out here, let them go out In person and collect that way. First of all, it will be less awkward and more effective and I think most people appreciate bochurim coming and spreading Simcha. Yes, there are some over-the-top parties, etc., and I should hope that the achievers are producing young men who have the requisite amount of yiras shomayim to know where they should go and where they shouldn’t.

  11. Leitzanus – yes, but more like getting into the Purim spirit. In all seriousness, it is unfortunately pie in the sky to believe that for the entirety of the olam hatorah we can bring the mature marriage age back to the teenage years. Even many serious top bachurim are just not ready for that.

  12. It wasn’t long ago when we went through 4 years of high school (and beis medrash) is a dump of a building. Our rebbe’s had old minivans and the yeshiva buildings were decrepit. Guess what? We learned through osmosis what was important.

    What are our teenagers absorbing now…?

  13. A few tips:
    -Speak up loud and clear and slow, say the name of the yeshiva you are calling for and eth rosh yeshiva’s name. -Also, don’t expect everyone to give a CC over the phone – some never do to any org.
    -Also, people may not like to pledge over the phone either.
    -If they have an automated system that they can transfer the person to, to enter CC, that would probably help – to make it more official. Or perhaps they can tell the person he will get a call from the automated system for him to enter info – just CC # etc. and amount (not name and address, so it’s just numbers). Or they can send letter. A call helps too.

  14. A lot of these bochrim get a percentage they bring in. And there is intense competition amongst other organizations offering a better prize than the next to collect on their behalf. Some offering 30%. Sick all around. No one should give less tzedaka because of this but be smarter and aware.

  15. That’s just very far from the truth, you are probably talking about young kids like 7-8. Over here we are talking about bochorem 15-19 collecting solei for their yeshiva who they have the utmost hakaras hatov for, not for a prize!!!!!
    and yes they should collect because i don’t know if you know the astronomical amounts of money that yeshivas need these days. They should be asking the boys to raise money it makes alot of sense!!!!!!!

  16. Hi i just wanted to point out that the comments that are flooding this page are very upsetting. People saying things like, making fun of bocherim that are collecting money “squeaky voiced little kids that dont have common sence”,and that they are texting them more than once, kids that are just spoiled because they have nice buildings……..
    LET ME MAKE SOMETHING CLEAR TO ALL THE HATERS!!! you were once an immature 16 year old and if you didnt want to raise money for your yeshiva then that shows a lack of hakaras hatov you should have had to your yeshiva that you obviously didn’t have. and another point when was the last time you a saw a stupid poll on the lakewood scoop saying “should bala batim be calling their frinds to raise money for a dinner that they are getting honored by NEVER why, because you are a hater of bocherim, not people raising money because you think they are pathetic which is why you are comparing them to meshuluchem (which many are very holy) because unfortunately you think they are pathetic too its really sad. Again you were once 16 or 17 years old too, but yet you cant stand it why???????????? Because they aren’t pathetic you are. You don’t want to give money to a yeshiva, don’t, but don’t create hate and don’t be more pathetic than you think they are!!!!!!!!

    sincerely a very upset Lakewood Father of bocherim, uncle of bocherim, and most of all a proud talmid of the yeshivas that made me who i am today!

  17. Mosh. A deep analysis of your rant (and the grammar or lack thereof) tells me that you are likely one of the teenage Bachurim making the calls. We balabatim love you all. Keep up the good work!

  18. TY Mosh! if anyone were to truly appreciate the greatness of our bochurim they would be unable to write some of what is being written above. And, anyone who truly appreciates the splendor and importance of Torah would be unable to write some of the other posts here. We take Torah for granted, not appreciating enough its singular importance and how the world itself, and the future of yiddishkeit stands on the shoulders of these young princes. And, that in and of itself is an enormous chillul Hashem! Are every one of these gems already polished and perfect? No. But every one them is a potential gadol, starting out on their journey, and should be respected as such.

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