Should the U.S. Take Over Gaza?

President Trump during his joint press conference Tuesday with Netanyahu suggested that the United States take control of Gaza.

Do you believe Trump was being serious about it? And if yes, do you think it’s a good idea that will bring peace to the region?

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    • Its pretty obvious to anyone following Trump’s statements closely that he plans on annexing it to Israel once they relocate them all to Egypt as he stated yesterday that Israel is very small…. This is just a cover up plan for now, just as we know he had this plan for months and didn’t share exact plans.
      With that, YES it’s a great idea

    • One has to wonder who will be sacrificed during this brutal takeover, citizens and soldiers. The US military are under staffed as it is. In a perfect world Israel should annex Florida.

      • It was clearly stated there will be no boots on the ground. Furthermore the plan is to have numerous countries assist with the reconstruction. The details are still being negotiated amongst numerous countries. No different then the tariff threats to Canada, Mexico etc.

    • How many years did Qatar and other Arab countries use the people of Gaza as pawns on a chessboard?Jordan was originally part of Israel but it was divided up by other states and countries. .They can help rebuild it.This has been a ongoing problem since the English had control of the Holy Lands.

  1. Absolutely NOT! As of it’s not bad enough, if it happens every time US soldiers (& probably anyone) are attacked by Muslim terrorists everyone will blame it on Israel. It’s a very valid question why Americans should die protecting Israel. The Antisemitism it will cause in America & around the world will make today’s levels look like a cake walk.

    • Apparently you and many others didn’t actually here the remarks from trump or the White house press briefing today. If you had you would know your comment is off base.

  2. To your question is it a good idea for the US to take control of Gaza. Its a good idea only because for Israel its better than the alternative. The alternative doesn’t give Israel much of a choice. if Israel were to insist that they want to keep it than they are going have to invest heavily both with money and sadly with lives just to maintain security over it. Even after the war is over (whatever over means) there are going to be tens of thousands of men who are potentially if not actual terrorists (we all saw the handing over of the hostages with literally hundreds of men carrying guns on scene – there are tens of thousands of them) and Israel is going to have to deal with them for years to come because Israel doesn’t have the ability to do what the US wants to try to do – to ship them all out from Gaza and so Israel doesn’t have much of an option if they want to rid Gaza of Hamas other than to let the US come in and take it over. The sad reality is if ultimately the US does take over Gaza, fast forward 10 years, the new Gaza wont exactly be a Kiryat Telze-Stone… it’ll be so sad that Israel to have shed so much blood only to end up with such a place and right on the border with Israel.

  3. It mevuar in the Bris Bein Habesarim that LeAsid Lavo Klal Yisroel will be Yoiresh Chevel Azza. S it must be rebuilt into a habitable land. Perhps this is Hashem’s way of doing so.

  4. Trump means that the Saudi’s and other Arab Nations will make a business venture out of it. This will not become American colony, thats not what he means. DUH!!

    Implementation is pretty simple, give everyone the option to leave, then everything is flattened.
    Rebuild moneymaking place… watch it happen

  5. that would be cool! imagine flying a domestic flight from america to american gaza and then take a train to jerusalem (obviously they will rebuild a train system if this happens)!! maybe lakewood should move to gaza…
    we could send our kids to israel to learn and they can even come home for shabbos every once in a while! but if that was the case maybe they would all go learn in lakewood…
    but i definitely hear this idea of america taking over gaza or even other countries buying it, its very simple, anyone but Hamas!!
    it would be a nice safe place and a great vacation spot as its got beaches etc…
    i like this idea!

  6. The Palestinians stated today that they don’t want Trump’s help. They said they don’t want to leave their homeland. It’s a sad, sad world we are living in. I hope Trump has something up his sleeve.

  7. Reminds me of the old joke that Israel should declare war on America. Because after Israel loses & is destroyed America will rebuild it better than it was before.

  8. Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Gazans Believe “Hamas Should Take Over the Land of Israel And Continue To Burn Babies Alive”
    A new poll released by the prestigious Middle Eastern Center for Terrorism & Bloodshed in conjunction with the UNWRA shows that 97% of Gazans believe “Hamas should assume full control of the land of Israel.” However, 3% of Gazans believe that, “Massacring Israeli men, women and children without taking control of the land is also satisfactory, as long as Israeli blood continues to flow non-stop, 24/7.”
    Additionally, 96% of Gazans believe that the tradition of burning babies to death is “way too humane for Hamas,” and that “a far crueler method of annihilation should be implemented,” while the remaining 4% of Gazans opined that, “burning babies is sufficient, as long as the parents of the burnt victims continue to be severely tortured and beheaded.”
    It should be noted, however, that the poll has a margin of error of one fifth of a tenth percent.
    Additionally, 97% of Gazans said that Iran should negotiate a peace deal with the US that would allow Iran to fully stock Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis with highly advanced missiles and underground tunnel construction supplies in exchange for the Mullahs postponing their weapons grade uranium enrichment program, while 3% of Gazans cried out and said, “Why not do both, negotiate a deal that would allow the Mullahs to arm their blood-thirsty proxies with BOTH conventional weapons AND nuclear weapons developed by Iran?”
    Upon hearing the latter’s suggestion, the 97% said: “Wow, why didn’t WE think of that one?!”
    In a separate poll, 99% of Gazans said that Hamas terrorists should stop wearing “those stupid cloth masks over their faces, and splurge a little bit on some high quality Halloween masks!”
    And, lastly, 97% of Gazans said they approve of Hamas terrorists building tunnels underneath their homes, “as long as they pay their share of the property taxes.”

  9. No! What does taken over Gaza has anything to do with putting America first? Nothing! It’s all a money thing. It’s all personal. Trump is just using his position to do what ever he wants. In the long run if he does take over Gaza. Than you best believe there will be some type of retaliation in the future. This will put Americans in danger. Well, the voters put him back in office. So whatever happens it’s on them.

    • I agree with you. How about all this money Trump wants to spend in Gaza is spent here in the USA? We have towns that need rebuilding after hurricanes and wildfires. Yes, Trump voters have themselves to blame.

      • He’s not spending any American money. He’s forcing the Muslims inn the region to cover the bill. No different then the supposed tariff costs to Americans.

  10. For the last 16 months everyone said that every man, woman and baby in Gaza were terrorists deserving death and now we want to ask them nicely to leave their homes. That should work out nicely.

    • If the Gazans would be willing to stop Hamas from building tunnels and underground living quarters and weapons storage places underneath their homes, that would be fine. But if Hamas is permitted to build terrorist infrastructures underneath the people’s homes, next to their homes, inside and underneath the schools and the mosques, and all over the place, then, as one US astronaut once said, “Houston, we got a problem here.”


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