Shortage of Sleeping Accommodations for Meshulachim in Lakewood after Capitol Motel Demolition

capitol tlsWith the Capitol motel gone, many Meshulachim were left without a place to stay, the Tomchei Tzedakah of Lakewood tells TLS.

“Due to the demolition of the Capitol motel, there is a serious lack of sleeping accommodations for Meshulachim,” the Tomchei Tzedakah said.

The Capitol motel was ripped down several months ago to make room for an apartment building.

“Anyone with room in their home and heart can contact Tomchei Tzedakah at 732-367-7770 or [email protected]. We won’t give out your information without permission.”


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  1. People don’t even begin to understand the amount and variety of chessed that Rabbi Michoel Burzstyn and his very choshuve family engage in .Hosting meshulachim at the Capitol was but one small segment. May HKBH continue to give them all the stregnth and good health to keep it up

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