Shop Rite To Remain Open Through The Night Motzei Pesach

Ephraim Chase, manager at Shop Rite’s Kosher Experience has notified TLS that Shop Rite will once again remain open all night after Yom Tov as thousands look to stock up on Chometz productsMotzei Pesach.

The store, says Ephraim, is owned by a non-Jew, and all Chometz was purchased prior to Yom Tov.

Mr. Chase says he will be on hand on Motzei Pesach to answer any questions customers may have.

Attention store owners: Feel free to submit your schedules for Motzei Pesach, as did Shop Rite.

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  1. Why does it make a difference if the store was owned by a Jew or non-Jew and why does the food need to be from before Passover?

  2. As Jews are forbidden to possess Chametz (leavened bread) on Passover any Chametz that was owned by a jew even an Unorthodox Jew may not be consumed even after passover is over(no pun intended).

  3. Many ultra-orthodox jews would rather buy “chametz” from a non-jew after passover, because we may not consume any chametz that was owned by a jew over passover.

    Therefore, shoprite being owned by a non-jew makes their chametz products very attractive to many jews.

  4. There is no reason to publicly advertise something that is compared at or very similar in our frum community. Npgs has gr8 prices better then shop rite on kosher product and so are many other frum supermarkets! Some as well be open thru the night some some late enough for everyone to buy. This is the 2nd year u did this !!!!! what is your issue

  5. # 6, in todays economy it’s better for you and your family to purchase products at the best prices. If you use food coupons thats another story.

    This sounds like going to stand on line line knucklheads do on black Friday. Do what’s right for you and your family. easy as 1-2-3

  6. Kosher west open all night! It’s the place to shop, great selection, great prices and great service. Keep up the great work Abe!!!!!

  7. Nobody said it is preferable to shop anywhere . There are some people who try not to purchase chometz that was sold over Peasach . Most of these people would not buy in certain stores anyway in order to keep this Chumrah . For them Shoprite is an attractive option . We should allow everybody the opportunity to keep any chumrah that they wish to .

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