If you are one of those hundreds to rush to Shop Rite each Motzei Yom Tov to try and get there before closing time, there’s some good news. Ephraim Chase of Shop Rite’s Kosher Experience department has arranged for Shop Rite to be open 24 hours on Motzei Yom Tov. Which means, the store will be open from Tuesday morning through Wednesday evening. (April 6-7).
Shop Rite To Be Open 24 Hours Motzei Yom Tov

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Which shop rite is this? is this only lakewood branch? if yeah y is there a picture of a diff shop rite…wats the big deal for tls to go to the lakewood shop rite branch and take a pic and post it..this wud avoid all my confusion.
no it’s the one in brklyn, of course it’s lakewood!
The picture is of the Lakewood Branch, PAL.
Thank you 34
Thank You 34
What’s the basic scoop with shop rite in Lakewood, is it owned by a Jew, what do the Lakewood poskim hold about buying chametz there after pesach? Do they rely on reb henkin? Can someone please post the basic scoop on the scoop thank you scoop! (very tired)
The store is owned by a guy all products are bought before. Pesach heimish stuff that is.
Fredi you are the man!! Great thinking!! Thanks a lot for this convenience.
Thank you so much *Issac* for all that you do for the yidden of lakewood! Its greatly appreciated!
shkoach reb Fred , for always thinkng of the klal!
In a row?
No 6 was supposed to say rabbi Teitz, not reb henkin
Thank you very much Ephraim Issac Chase for the effort you put in for the yidden in lakewood!
you man I am the real Tyronne…….I will be working the lot for 24 hrs now…….
Thank you very much ephraim for all your efforts you put into the kosher department for all our pesach needs AND all your help year round!!!