The Shomrei Emunim Rebbe of Bnei Brak will be visiting Lakewood Sunday. The Rebbe is in America for two weeks to celebrate the wedding of his son to the daughter of the Stanislover Rebbe from Monsey, NY.
The Rebbe is the oldest son of the late Shomrei Emunim Rebbe Zatzal, who was widely regarded as a Baal Ruach Hakodesh, and known to have helped any yid seeking his assistance. He led the chassidus for 65 years after his father, Rav Aharon Roth Zatzal – Rebbe Reb Ahrele – who founded the chassidus and was the author of many lofty seforim including Shomer Emunim and Shulchan Hatahor, passed away.
The Rebbe will be staying at the home of R’ Michoel Weiss – 7 Elderberry Ct. (off New Central Ave bet. Primrose Pl. and Gudz Rd.) – where a public Kabbolas Ponim will be held at 8:30pm.
The Rebbe will be available throughout the day for private audiences as well as after the Kabbolas Ponim. To schedule an appointment or for further information call (914) 979-1666 or (202) 213-9921.