Lakewood officials tell TLS that a JCP&L representative told a caller that JCP&L has received only 200 calls from Lakewood residents reporting power outages, and that “Lakewood is not a high priority.”
Officials strongly urge every resident to call JCP&L to report their outages – even if a neighbor on the same block has already called.
To expedite the process, affected customers are urged to immediately call JCP&L at 888-544-4877.
Of course false I personally know close to 100 people that called!!!this is what we get for all the townships fights with jcp&l
False! I myself called 200 times and we are still out in Coventry
Most people were out of phone service in addition to electricity so there was no calling JCPL. I truly do not understand why customers should need to report outages. Is there not a computerized system where JCPL can clearly see who was affected. At the same time I would like to thank JCPL for the efforts in getting power back to the 60%. I don’t remember seeing so many mangled wires in the past.
I personally know close to 100 people who were told to call, and yet EVERY ONE OF THEM said that they didn’t call because they figured everyone else was calling.
I believe JCP&L that very few people called. I would imagine that its more than 200 called, but the JCP&L rep probably meant that they did not receive “thousands” of calls.
I do NOT believe the comment above that he personally knows 100 people who called.
Everyone was so busy these last few days shooting their mouths off on TLS, but nobody called JCP&L. It’s beneath them. It’s much easier to just complain.
I called and my power was restored the same night I made the call.
It does not matter how many times an individual called. You can call 500 times, they still consider it 1 customer. They are saying 200 individual customers called. I still highly doubt that’s true. As a side point, lakewood is a low priority. Does anyone see what’s going on outside of lakewood?? Be happy you have a home to live in.
i called every day twice. till now i was ok waiting tings happen and some has to be the last to be restored. but now that they say 200 people called lm pi……
While I understand that there are issues with JCP&L, I question the wisdom in reporting fourth hand information (JCPL to caller to “township official to TLS) as news. According to JCP&L’s website there are currently 17,803 customers in Lakewood Township who are out of power. Clearly they are aware of the number of affected customers with or without the customer calling them to report the outage.
Be proactive! We had someone cut up the tree that was on our line. Then we had an electrician repair the line from our house to the main line. If everyone would pitch in instead of sitting and waiting, all would benefit!
We in Lakewood do not know how to take care of ourselves. We know how to complain. We are part of the society of dependents. We rely on government to cut up the trees in front of our houses. We are like little children who need Totty and Mommy, and when we don’t get what we need right away, we throw a tantrum.
Jcp and l personally told me this story is true. Whether they are lying or not is another story… honestly, most ppl didn’t even have phones or service to call for the first 2 days. And to the person who said he called and got service back that day: you were lucky. What a dumb thing to say!
on my block i personally know 4 people who called
Drive around. Lakewood is in much better shape than Brick or Toms River
LkwdGuy– well said!!
to yid: you dont believe that i know 100 ppl ok so all 50 residents of my building called plus standing in yeshiva i watched 100’s make the call thats before all family members,freinds,ect ALL called
lets count. I called. #1
They are lying. We all know plenty of people without power and nearly everyone called. There was a sign in Beis Aaron and by Beis Shalom (full batei medrashim!) on Wednesday saying everyone should call… 2 thousand people saw the sign. Almost every household in Lakewood has one or two cellphones, and many old homes have copper phone lines that work with corded phones to report the outage. I reported 2 accounts, my neighbors reported… Why doesn’t someone start a list in BMG, get everyone who called to sign. Then have R’ Meir Lichtenstein (liason to JCP&L?) personally deliver it to the spin doctors at JCP&L. I don’t know why they are lying but it is troubling to say the least.
There are people on a list at JCP&L for priority emergency restoration due to sick people on machinery who have not been restored. The Lakewood Courtyard has no power. They were able to get generators to power up the kitchen so they have food but their rooms are freezing. They are also on a priority repair list at JCP&L.
according to JCP&L’S website ocean county restored 135,551 still out 144,840 total affected 280,391 . however Monmouth county still out 223,766 restored 49,944 total affected273,710.
You can clearly see from these numbers that JCP&L has been wotking dilligently in Ocean. Maybe we should call them to thank them for focusing their repair efforts in our area. I will.
Coventry is 680 units.
I tried to call but the call was disconnected after the automated message.
I called three times! The second time i called Monday night it said my house is already reported for repair but when i called Tuesday Morning again it took it as a new report! Looks like they lost or deleted the initial power outage reports!
Our neighbors went door to door in our complex to make sure everyone called to report.
But thanks we got back power Tuesday around 5:20pm!
But a half a block down still doesn’t have power!
Drudge and other media oulets are reporting that non-union crews who traveled here as far as Alabama were turned away by New Jersey union workers.
It’s politics as usual in the Blue States…
My friend just called JCP&L now 25 times. He reported the entire tamarind park developement one call at a time. All you have to do is punch in the phone number for that specific home and the report is in!
We HAVE called several times and nothing has happened. They called us to tell us that our power is back on…it’s not!
No electric, no phone charger.
East 5th still don’t have power and we call !!!
Have you seen the devastation going on outside of Lakewood? Look at what has happened up and down the Jersey Shore. These are your neighbors and friends, and possibly family members. Thank God it wasn’t that bad here!!
My neighbour and i r one of the only ones who called out of 150 residents in our neighbourhood without power! I believe jcp&l.
No Post office ??? Clifton ave.
I agree with # 10, you said it very well,most people in Lakewood want everything handed to them on a silver spoon,take time and try to do for your self, clean up any downed trees that don’t have live wires on them, it could help with the progress of restoring the power if the linemen don’t have to cut the trees.
agree 100% with both comments!
i just called and they told me, 2000 were affected by my problem and they recieved calls from over 800 of them. they denied this thing about 200 calls, unless 600 ppl called in half hour.
I called right after i lost power…..and today when i called back they said i never called….and guess what they said the same about all my neighbors who also had called right away. So call again it seems they are taking names off without fixing the problem.
I called JCP &L after 9 pm on Tuesday after losing service at about 5 pm Monday night. None of my neighbors called JCP &L. Our service was restored before 11 am on Wednesday. However I believe the only reason I got my electrical service back so quickly was because they had to get the traffic light at Cross St and Route 528 working again due to safety reasons. I am still without cable tv service. I called Cablevision /Optimum last night to report it. I was on hold for 40 minutes before getting through to someone. I was told that they were aware of the outage in my area and would be working on it. I was given no timetable as to when service might be restored. I was told that normally the cable service should have come back on automatically after power returned. However that was not the case in my area.
Jcp&l system is messed up, the computer keeps on forgetting the calls. Many people received calls that their service was restored, which was false. There is a glitch that is messing up their system. So to all the thousands that called, you must call again, at least twice a day.
Good shabbos to all.
Here we go again!!
I’m sick an tired of the way NJ does business. And see on the drudge report, that in nj emergency crews from other states if non unions were turned away!
jcp an l will be sued and big time!
Due to Jcp&l’s claims my neighbor RE-called in the ENTIRE neighborhood’s outages one call at a time. There were only 2 addresses that it says “this outage has already been reported”. Those were people who called in again TODAY. Even his own account (and the shul account associated with his number) was reported 4 times and it didn’t say already reported! After RE-calling in the outages, now it does say on each that it has been reported. JCP&L system is deleting records (or someone who doesn’t like us)!
I don’t believe it is true. I have been calling twice daily, and my friends and family without power have been doing the same. Even if it is true, and I highly doubt it, why should my neighbours and myself, who keep on calling, be penalized. It does not make sense!
The JCP&L website says 18,399 outages in Lakewood – so they obviously know how many outages there are.
To #37: If you don’t like it here, LEAVE!!
Stop complaining, at least you all have a home to sit in and complain. Think of al the people that lost their homes. Everyone in this town thinks they are entitled to everything. Even priority service from JCP&L..
Lakewood is not a priority. Other families don’t have homes anymore. You should all be embarrassed of yourselves, incredibly selfish and ignorant
It don’t matter if every house calls, it’s matter That somebody From the street called And the street don’t have electricity!!!
Has anyone noticed there are other towns besides Lakewood that doesen’t have power? Of course there are people who beleive Lakewood is the only place in Ocean county. Look at the damage all around ,loosing power is a small piece of the puzzle, how about homes gone? Think it is time for people to grow up and think of others besides oneself.
does anybody know when power will be restored to clifton ave.
I think one of the reasons Coventry is still out is the tree on the wires at Kennedy and Lexington Ave. The other reason is they are waiting on a poll and transformer for one that blew up down the road at Kennedy and Clifton area. That is the same kinda story for the rest of the town too.
Don’t forget to vote Romney on Tuesday. He vowed at during the primaries to eliminate FEMA and turn it over to the private (for profit) sector. You may have also missed without tv his staged “storm relief” rally where his campain bought $5,000 worth of food to have people stand in line and hand him back so he good get good pictures. While he was doing that Christie and Obama were busy in NJ actualy working together. Christie praised the Pres for his amazing response and everyone from Rush Limbaugh down are criticizing Christie for working with him and making him look too “competent” it sickens me that these people would rather him turn his back on his own state than help Romney first. Wait till you see the video of him flipping out on Fox News for not doing a shameless photo op with Romney. You should be proud of how he proved he cares more for you than his distastful party.
200 TOO MANY! lets go JCPL put down yuur coffee and GET TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!
As of 6:40 November 3rd Coventry Square has power.
Complain..complain..complain!! Look outside..and realize its not all about you. At least most of the comments on here are in support of the hard work that JCP&L is doing. Do the rest of you realize a major storm hit us??? UGH!!! Get over the whole JCP&L thing already. SO many miserable people leading miserable lives. I personally am thankful that I am still here to see another day.
this is completely false as I went on line myself and punched in 20 of my neighbors phone number and I got confirmation numbers that they all were previously reported and we are all still dark.
I called several times and the calls were disconnected. Then we went on line and left them a message. Our power came on Fri. Night, but, it was already Shabbos so we couldn’t change over from our generator to electric power until motzei shabbos..
does anyone know when 7th and madison will be back on
Country place had power until Friday Now we dont!!!!
I called and was told I would get a call when my power was restored. Baruch Hashem my power was restored and their call never came in. I am not blind Baruch Hashem and saw the lights come on for myself. But, the fact that they never generated the automated call means their system is messed up.
Their system may be messed up, but, I am sure they are working round the clock to restore power all over.
The community Horizons at Woodlake Greens off of Joe Parker Road in Lakewood is still without power since last Monday. It is now Sunday, Nov. 4th. Tomorrow it will be a week. This is a senior community and we have no heat. Please, please get us power. The whole community has called many times. Please let us know the status of repair.