Shivah for Mrs. Leah Eisdorfer A”H, the woman killed in yesterday’s horrific crash, will be taking place at the family’s home, 1187 North Maple Avenue, Toms River.
Shachris will be 8:00 AM, Mincha 10 minutes before Shkiah, and Maariv at 10:00 PM.
The family will be getting up on Wednesday morning.
Visitors are asked to be considerate of neighbors, and be sure not to block driveways or mailboxes.
Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B’soch Shaar Aveiei Tzion V’yerushalayim.
Thank you TLS for mentioning the consideration of neighbors. Please make a Kiddush Hashem
This is just so sad. My heart goes out to her family. so young and so much to look forward to.
Will mr. Bergman be sitting in borough park?
which bergman is this? can you post the names of the siblings please?
I knew who she was. Very sad
Is her father mr bergman sitting shivs in lkwd?
@madisonjk, Yes, Her father will be sitting in lakewood till the end of the week.
@Martin, Yes, her father will be sitting shiva in brooklyn from sunday.
Is the family splitting up after Shabbos?
does anyone know Mr. Bergman’s first name? for ilui nishmas
Her name l’iluy nishmas is: Leah Henya Reiza bas R’ Meir