Shiur For ‘Baleibatim’ To Make Siyum, Begin New Mesechta This Sunday, Monday

apter shiur dunner(Photo of Dayan Dunner as a recent guest speaker at the Shiur) The morning Shiur of Harav Lazer Apter Shlita will be making a Siyum this coming Sunday on Meseches Megillah, and beginning Meseches Taanis on Monday. The Amud Yomi Shiur, designed for local Businessmen, takes place each morning at 9:15 a.m until 10:15 a.m. at Bais Medrash Zichron Binyomin (7th & Princton-upstairs). The Shiur was formed L’zecher Nishmas R’ Eliyahu Moishe Ben R’ Avrohom Gross Z’L, (Toronto). For more info, call: 732-267-3450.

This Shiur is in addition to his fast growing Daf Hayomi Shiur which takes place each night at the same location, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., followed by Mariv.

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  1. one of the shiur participants has been speaking about this shiur to me for the longest time and kept asking me just try it for one day…now I can’t go a day without. I’m so mahkir toiv. I’m now sharing this with all don’t make the same mistake and wait just try it once and you’ll see for yourself.

  2. The truth of the matter is that it may have been started with Amud Yomi in mind but it turned into a much more B’iyun in depth shiur. I think that mesechta Megila took almost a year to complete. I was zoche to be there a few times while visiting Lakewood. The scope of the shiur is just breathtaking. You leave with alot of knowledge. Bottom line? It’s an amazing accomplishment for these baalei batim who are kovea itim in a serious way. Mazel tov to all of you and keep it up. Klal Yisroel needs these people that are machshiv Torah in a real way.

  3. Just from a perspective of someone that grew up with R’ Lazer back in London UK, we in fact lived very close to each other and davened in the same shul, I can only say this and its the truth R’ Lazer has been my role model for the last 30+ years. He is a mushlem in every part of avodas H-shem. I am honored to be his friend and forgive my choice of words, he is a rising star in the Torah world. May H-shem give him all that he needs so that he can continue in his harbotzas Hatorah.

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