Shir 3 IS FINALLY HERE! ????????????????????????


Available now on Mostly Music!

Download here:

Also available on iTunes!




1. Muvtach – Shmueli Ungar
2. Achas – Yaakov Shwekey
3. Achake Lo – Avraham Fried
4. Lecho Amar – Motti Steinmetz
5. Im Eshkachech – Benny Friedman
6. Margishin – Eitan Katz & Yehudah Green
7. Basi – Shloime Daskal
8. Liba Ba’ui – Beri Weber
9. Kulanu – Baruch Levine
10. Lma’an Achai – Levi Falkowitz
11. Birchas Ha’oreach – Lipa Schmeltzer
12. Ulay Yachos – Yonatan Shainfeld
13. Mizmor L’soda – Avraham Fried
14. Nachamu – Moshe Mendelowitz
15. The Real Vaccine – Simcha Leiner

You Name it!

Fried, Shwekey, Daskal, Steinmetz, Lipa, Falkowitz, Green, Weber, Unger, Levine, Leiner and More

Rechnitz is BACK!

Listen to the sampler here:

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