Shidduch Crisis: TLS & Scoop Outdoor Announce Additional $50,000 in Free Advertising to Assist Non-Profit Shidduch Org Initiatives

Last month, TLS and Scoop Outdoor announced $100,000 in advertising for Yeshivas who heed the call of the Gedolei Yisroel to help put an end to the Shidduch crisis.

Though no Yeshiva has committed yet, there are reportedly some Yeshivas who are in talks with Gedolim about changing their system, and TLS & Scoop Outdoor are ready to offer those Yeshivas the free marketing as promised.

Over the past few weeks, many readers have contacted TLS about various organizations and individuals who have been attempting to make a difference in the Shidduch crisis, some of them who just don’t have the funds to bring their idea and plan to market.

In an effort to assist those non-profit organizations, TLS & Scoop Outdoor are offering up to 10 non-profit organizations $5,000 each in free advertising to help get their organization’s mission out to the public.

If you run a non-profit Shidduch organization and would like to take us up on our offer, please reach out to [email protected] with information about the organization. Once we receive your information, we will review it and get back to you.

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  1. Mi Kamcha Yisrael. This is such a gracious and well needed initiative. There are HUNDREDS of our Bnos Yisrael that are stuck in this Shidduch mess. In a very unprecedented fashion, the Gedolim in Eretz Yisrael published clear directives on this matter (letter previously published on TLS). We will get there together in this Chag HaGeulah and make changes to the Litvish Shidduch system together with Achdus.

  2. This makes me feel better. As an older single girl who rarely gets Shidduch dates. In the last couple of months I feel that people started caring about me and the many others in the same mess as me.

  3. While TLS has good intentions. I think all you have to do is one billboard with the words


    No need for any other billboards. The Litvish community didn’t have this problem 30 years ago when Bochurim were getting married at 22 as opposed to 24 they are getting married at today.

  4. Thanks for this. Rav Elya Ber said publicly many times that for the Yeshivish community this is the most difficult challenge in our time. He also added that with real changes we can help ease the pain of this Gezirah.

  5. On the heels of TLS’s latest announcement that it is adding an additional $50,000 of free advertising “for yeshivas who heed the call of Gedolei Yisroel to help put an end to the shidduch crisis”, dozens of Rosh Yeshivas from all across America joined together on Tuesday in putting out a statement begging TLS not to allow itself “to go completely broke by giving away so much free advertising!”
    “Please, TLS, we’ll do anything you ask of us!” the Rosh Yeshivas said in the statement. “But please stop giving away so much free advertising space! We can’t bear to see you lose all of those financial assets!”
    “Please, TLS, we promise you, we’ll send away our bachurim to Eretz Yisroel at the earliest age possible,” the statement went on to say. “We’ll even personally remove them from our yeshivas the minute they reach the age of shidduchim, but please stop this extreme form of philanthropy already, before you go totally broke!”
    “You’re making us feel incredibly guilty, and we can’t bear it any longer!” the Rosh Yeshivas said. “Yes, we admit, we have made some mistakes, but we are determined to correct those mistakes immediately! So please, just stop already with these extreme giveaways and freebies, otherwise you’ll force us to engage in an extreme form of repentance that we do not believe we are capable of handling!”
    “You’re plea to us on behalf of the bachurim to ‘Let my people go!’ has finally found a listening ear with us,” they said. “From hereon, we are releasing the bachurim from bondage, giving them back their freedom, and allowing them to control their own shidduch-seeking destiny.”
    “Have a happy Passover, TLS,” the statement concluded, “but please get back to us and promise us that you won’t give away your very last dollar! Thank you.”

    • Correction to my comment above: The additional $50,000 of free advertising appears to be a new TLS initiative being offered to individuals and non-profit organizations who wish to “make a difference in the shidduch crisis.” This is separate from the free advertising that TLS is offering to yeshivas who heed TLS’s call.

      • Your good humor is very much appreciated. It honestly caused me to laugh. However this is a serious matter that needs correction right away!!! Every day that we delay making changes to the Yeshivish Shidduch system is a such a chaval. We are talking about a crises that is unlike other crises. This is a man made crises (as stated clearly in the letter of the Gedolim). It will take uncomfortable but real changes to make tikkunim for our Bnos Yisrael.

  6. This has to be fixed ASAP!!!! way too many families are suffering from this. Klal Yisrael wants to do the right things. We have to make changes. Personally I think its the parents of the Bochurim that have to be open to make changes to the age going to Israel not necessarily the Roshei Yeshivos.

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