Sheldon Wolpin, Known As ‘Mr. Lakewood’, Dies At 89

Mr. Sheldon Wolpin, known as Mr. Lakewood, has died last night at the age of 89. Wolpin was a fixture of Lakewood. He was the Chairman of the Heritage Commission, and the founder of the Lakewood Historical Museum.

“Sheldon will forever be remembered by the younger generation for his tireless efforts put in to the Lakewood heritage commission”, said Mayor Menashe Miller. “He was fondly referred to as Mr. Lakewood. He knew everything and anything about Lakewood. He lived it, he breathed it and he loved it. Lakewood loved him.”

Frances Kirschner, the Township’s PR official and a close friend of Sheldon, said Sheldon was a brilliant man,.

“Sheldon Wolpin, who was lovingly known as “Mr. Lakewood,” possessed an almost encyclopedic mind about the town of Lakewood and its former and present citizens”, Kirschner said. “He not only knew “this person and that person” but also their siblings, parents, grandparents, in-laws and other relatives and friends. He could recall where different businesses were located, who owned them and when.”

With his wife Edith, Sheldon often conducted bus tours taking people throughout Lakewood explaining the historical significance of many sites.

Sheldon operated Wolpin’s Furniture House on Fourth Street for many years. Eventually he sold the building and relocated to Rt. 9 in Howell.

Sheldon was also an active member of the Lakewood High School Alumni Association.

Kirschner added, “He spearheaded the drive to create a Lakewood Museum somewhere in town He witnessed the fruition of his efforts when the Lakewood Township Committee approved and signed a long-term lease, giving the Lakewood Historical Society the use of Kuser Hall in Lakewood’s Pine Park as the permanent home of a historical museum for Lakewood.” 

Sheldon died after a battle with cancer.

His funeral will be taking place 11 AM tomorrow, at the 7th Street Chapel.

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  1. Shraga Feivel Wolpin AH, we miss you already. What a great person, so dedicated and devoted to Lakewood. His neighbors and friends from many years in Lakewood mourn his loss. He is irreplaceable. Boruch Dayan Emes,

  2. Sheldon was a wonderful man. He will be GREATLY missed in Lakewood. Who will his torch be passed to? Nobody loved Lakewood more than Mr. Wolpin. Rest in Peace!

  3. Mr Wolpin used to live on 10th street in heart of lakewod and was an integral part of the sons of israel community….may his wife edith and his family have only happy times and jewish nachas

  4. Funeral Service will take place at the Holocaust Memorial Chapel
    Wednesday December 19, 2012 11 AM
    Burial at Mount Sinai Cemetery
    With Navy Honors

  5. Sheldon you will be so missed! You were the ultimate mentsch and you made Lakewood proud. Thank you for all your help with my research. Shraga Feivel was by every town meeting and met everyone with a smile…he brought pride to Lakewood with his museum and his position on the Lakewood heritage board.

  6. Sheldon, May you rest in peace, Thank you so much for all your assistance. Some day, sooner than later the doors of Kuser Hall will open and your dream will be fullfilled.

  7. Mr Wolpin was a wonderful person. I shmoozed with him one
    Chol Hamoed (on a family outing to the Lakewood Heritage Museum—
    it was free) about old Lakewood. He had fond memories of the Rosh Yeshiva always greeting him in a pleasant way, and what a wonderful community Lakewood was back then and still is today. He will be deeply missed.

  8. So much of what I learned about Lakewood early in my writing career came from Sheldon who never hesitated to share his great store of knowledge. He was a delightful source, always absolutely right with his information and most pleasant in the way he went about communicating his love for this town. He will be missed.

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