Shavuos Meals: Milchig, Fleishig, Why, When, and How?

cheesecakeIn keeping with the minhag of eating Milchigs on Shavuos some are noheg to have a Milchig seudah on the first night. Included among them was the Steipler Gaon Zt’l. Many disagree with this minhag because there is a Chiyuv to eat two meals every day of Yom Tov, and a Yom Tov meal must include meat. Even those who do eat Milchig for their first night meal must be sure to eat fish and drink wine to make it a seudah “chashuva.” The Minhag Yisroel Torah brings from Rav Pinchos of Koritz that the reason for eating a Milchig Seuda at night is because the seuda is a Seudas Mitzva for finishing the Mitzva of Sefiras HaOmer. If it were fleishig people would think that it is a seuda L’Kavod Yom Tov therefore we make it milchig in order to distinguish.

Others have a minhag to eat a milchig seuda right after coming home from Shul in the morning. In that case you should wash and eat Challah with it since the Rema says to eat bread as a remembrance for the Korban Shtei HaLechem the two Challos that were brought on Shavuos in the Bais HaMikdash.

Another minhag is to divide the daytime meal into two parts, the first part being milchig and the second being fleishig. The Mishna Berura says that in that case you do not need to say Birchas HaMazon between milchig and fleishig just make sure to rinse out your mouth thoroughly (unless you had hard cheese which requires a long wait). Others including the Shela HaKadosh disagree and hold that you must say Birchas Ha’Mazon because you cannot eat both meat and dairy in one meal. While the Mishna Berura says that rinsing your mouth is enough of a hefsek, many hold based on the Zohar that you must wait an hour or at least thirty minutes even after rinsing your mouth. Revach.

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  1. It’s nice and proper to incorprate torah and halocha in to our daily lives and news. Torah was given to us vhem chayeinu!

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