Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier of the Shmuz spent Shabbos, Parshas Shemos, with Yaakov Shwekey and the Dayon family and friends in Long Branch, NJ.
“Hosting Rabbi Shafier for Shabbos brought us both down memory lane and rekindled beautiful memories,” explained Shwekey. “Rabbi Shafier was my 12th grade Rebbe in Yeshiva of Rochester. I remember learning Mesilas Yeshorim with Rabbi Shafier. At the time, I didn’t understand why we had to go over the lesson again and again for a few weeks straight. He repeated it to me one on one with patience, stories and practical applications. It didn’t dawn on me that something bigger was being imprinted inside. He was shaping the way I would think later on in life which had a tremendous impact on me and my life decisions. He was planting seeds for the future when I would experience and appreciate the sweetness of Torah. It became a part of me and I have tremendous hakaras hatov.”
After davening Kabalas Shabbos in the Dayon home, a beautiful Friday night meal was hosted by the Dayon family with five other families. They all gained tremendously from his Shmuz and his personal attention. On Shabbos morning, after davening in Ohel Simha, Rabbi Shafier addressed a crowd in Mr. Dayons father’s home. A special lunch and Seudas Shlishis was prepared in the Shwekey home for Rabbi Shafier.
“Shabbos was an amazing experience. It gave me a chance to reconnect with my Rebbe and for others to gain inspiration from Rabbi Shafier and apply his lessons to their everyday lives,” concluded Shwekey.
The Shmuz is a Torah lecture that offers a worldview on major life issues ranging from working on our middos to learning to be a better spouse, from understanding the meaning of our davening to what our purpose is in this world. Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier is direct, daring, and downright funny, providing audiences with essential Torah principles packaged in an enticing, enjoyable way. The Shmuz has expanded its reach by launching a new Shmuz website. Originally designed for post-yeshiva working guys, The Shmuz now influences thousands of Jewish people around the world through Rabbi Shafier’s online videos, articles and live webinars.