Police are investigating a burglary which resulted in the theft of several guns, sources say. A man checking up on his parent’s Raintree area home arrived to find the home burglarized and the gun safe broken into. Several guns were reported stolen, including two shotguns and two rifles. The man’s parents were out of town at the time.
The CIU was called in to investigate. TLS-CCP/TLS-SR.
where did this happend?
yidden ?
Thats normal
the police got too busy ticketing us, so hashem said u will have to deel with crime, if they stop ticketing then the crime might stop
oh yeah, lets keep guns in our house in a gun safe that should be locked at all times and then have our house broken into tso the thief takes off with the guns. so now we have several guns, 2 shotguns and 2 rifles out on the street that will probally fall into the hands of some criminal who will probally committ some type of crime.
what was the location of the robbery…?
This is why we should get rid of the second amendment. Whoever burglarized this home may not have had a weapon before but now has several proving the statistics that most illegally possessed firearms are obtained by stealing them from home’s that have them legally. Even in a town like Lakewood I do not feel the need to arm myself, leave it to the police that’s what they here for.
This is downright scary. Keep in mind though that no one was home. Did the man have his house alarmed? That would help. Both the windows and the doors need to be.
The reality is that these thugs are getting bolder and bolder by the day. We can not sit around. We need shomrim. We need alert citizens. We need tougher laws against thugs.
sounds like someone knew there were guns in this house and that the people were not home, it feels like this could have been an inside job, some thing does’nt sound right
If you didn’t break the laws then you wouldn’t get a ticket. You sound like and IDIOT for saying that.
Why does it matter if it was a yidden? Asking that question makes it seem like it wouldn’t matter to you if it was a non jew
it happened in Lakewood
Again the LPD are busy helping us cross the road…
where in lakewood did this happen…!!
Hey doesitmatter, why didnt you reed the article? I says Raintree, and if you knew how to cross the street without gettn run over, the police wouldnt have to cross you at every corner in town, and would be able to do their jobs. God Bless LPD
To # 4 get real , can’t you post something that show at least an ounce of inteligance !
Quote “This is why we should get rid of the second amendment”
ok then when a car is stolen we should stop people from driving, when a knife is stolen we should outlaw the sale of knives,
stupid statement ,
How about a real innovative approach catch the thief and put him away for a real long time ,he or she(highly doubt its a woman but need to be politacally correct here) is the problem not the gun
well…someone will have an interesting Xmas
Nachi, why so grumpy? got a sack of coal under the tree? LOL
PS: If more folks looked both ways (instead of relying upon a higher power to protect them), cops wouldnt be needed to help people do the basic of tasks.
Can you nutjobs stop with the” cops are busy ticketing…..”. Officers have MANY jobs not only arresting criminals. The same law that doesn’t allow stealing doesn’t allow going through a stop sign….Noone is above the law-PERIOD. If only people would learn that in this town I’d feel safer driving down the street.
I saw a parent driving in a development HOLDING a 1-2 yr old IN HIS HANDS while driving!! And no; he was not parked….he was driving in the street,not a driveway…..I didn’t see it once, I saw it twice in one week! That father should be locked up for endangering the welfare of his child.
ToIdiots!! says:
get the plate # and report it to the LPD ,you can file a complaint yourself , take a photo/video as evidance
You know I see all the time people complaining about the Police stopping cars and not “doing their jobs” well I have to tell you, when some of those cars are stopped they actually find criminals driving and possibly are wanted out of this town. If you don’t like the police fine..don’t call them, but do not blame them for home burglaries, stolen cars and other things that you believe they should be doing. The Police are as you have all been noticing are undermanned and overworked. You can not effectively patrol every single road in this town all hours of the days and nights. They are not there to check every home to see if the “front doors or windows are locked at all times”, that is the homeowner’s job. You can not have effective police work if your citizens think they are above helping protect our streets. I say this as I am a Lakewood Resident and I do what I can to help the police do effective police work, I lock my cars, my home is secure at all times, I take notice of what is going on around me, I don’t think that it will never happen to me. If you do those all so important things perhaps it will make the “criminals” pass your house, or car by and go to the one that leaves their cars and homes unlocked or unattended.
YOU have to help them help you, its all our jobs to keep the criminals from winning..not just the cops..If you feel they don’t do that here..MOVE, go back to where you moved here from
g d , guns and guts made america free, at any price keep all three
Maybe the person that broke into the safe was the same person shown on TLS a few days ago. Do you remember the guy with the sledge hammer in the video.
Again with the ticket nonsense. How do you expect them to stop all burglaries? Should they stop everyone on the street- no matter who, and question them to where they are going, what they are doing there, where they live? They will have to ask EVERYBODY so they don’t violate people’s rights. You cant stereotype and ask just one “type” of person-that doesn’t BELONG in the neighborhood. And then what-the police will be busy questioning people, not patrolling, not keeping the roads safe. And someone will complain about that, and being violated-it never ends. I am so glad I am not a police officer in this town, i wouldn’t want to be critized by people who have no idea what police work entails. There are alot of bitter people out there that think the police should ignore writing tickets, but that is part of their job. They do alot of things in one day, and from what i have seen very professionaly. Stop breaking the law, lock your doors, and be glad that the police are there. You might need them someday and they will not hold it against you because they wrote you a ticket. They will be there to help you no matter what. Even if you do bash them in the papers.