Sequel to “A Bochur’s Observations” – By Rabbi Dovid Abenson

rabbi dovid abensonI would like to thank all those who contacted me regarding my recent submission “A bochur’s observations”. I wish to re-iterate that the letter was written by a bochur who had struggled throughout the educational system, and was unfortunately on the verge of leaving the derech. He eloquently describes his experience in Yeshiva, before he started learning the program and afterwards. I hence submitted his letter with the hope that it would resonate with other families who are struggling through the system and to hear first hand the crisis some bochrurim are going though.

B”H it has.

The question has been asked, why had this bochur not obtained simcha in his learning until then?

The answer is that he was lacking the following 3 fundamental rules in how to learn, and with siyatta d’shmaya, maturity led him to take help. Throughout my years in working with children and bochurim, I have seen a strong correlation between under developed academic skills and despair in learning, which can be a slippery descending slope in terms of the student’s ruchniyos chas v’shalom.

1) Kriah: Dexterity and fluency in reading the Hebrew text is the foundation for all learning skills. A student must be able to read fluently using whole words and not reading in syllable format. By not reading in whole word units, he will not recognize the root of the word as he will be seeing letters in a random configuration, and consequently this will hamper his ability in building a vocabulary bank of Hebrew words.

2) Translation: A student must have the ability to translate text accurately, which includes defining terms and knowing dikduk.

3) Comprehension: Once the above 2 steps are attained, one should be ready to understand the comprehension of the text and to able to express himself. For best results, deciphering the text should be implemented in one’s mother tongue.

If one refers to our sages throughout history, from the Tannaim all the way to the Achronim such as Rabbi Shimshon Refoel Hirsch and with particularly the Malbim, one can see how the above rules were implemented continuously, and this is how our Mesorah has always been maintained. Without utilizing these principles, one will never attain great heights in learning Torah.

So, a question remains. Why did the above bochur not receive these 3 fundamental rules before he went to Bais HaMedrash?
This will be discussed in my next article.

For those wishing to read The Bochur’s Observation, please press on the below link.

Rabbi Dovid Abenson is the founder and director, author and lecturer at Shaar HaTalmud, a unique yeshiva based online program, featuring evaluations and remediation, working with students to upgrade skills in Hebrew reading, chumash/rashi and gemara studies, consulting school principals world – wide to improve their ability to help students who possess under-developed skills. Also available for in house training for schools and yeshivos. He can be reached at [email protected]. His website TEL: 1-877 (HATALMUD) 428-2568

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  1. We have become too focused on the beautifully polished and intricately decorated silver goblet rather than the sacred vintage wine with which to fill it. Ad Mosai?

  2. i would love to be able to speak to someone directly who has learned under R’ Abenson , went thru the evaluation and so on. if you have, please leave back a comment how i can reach you or try through the lakewood scoop…

  3. Rav Abenson, would it be possible to elaborate on the three steps outlined above? I am glad to see practical advice for parents and students. Thanks.

  4. I wholeheartedly agree with “Kos Yeshuot Esa” comment above. Good wine requires skill and patience to make it great. Teachers need training. Thanks.

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