A local resident has notified TLS that he is offering to bring Kvittels to Uman, free of charge. “Lakewood has many people in need, and this will be my honor”, he wrote to TLS. The Kvittel must be sent in by Monday at 12PM, in order for it to be taken to Uman. Please fax it to 732-942-7419, or email [email protected]
Send Your Kvittel To Uman For Free
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this is indeed an act of kindness. may this fine gentleman merit a happy healthy new year!
Na nach nachma nachman m’uman
thank you andtisku l’mitzvos
Thank you for thinking of other people
Rosh Hashana is the King’s coronation, when we crown Hashem as our King. People ask me why we leave our holy Land of Israel to go to the Ukraine on Rosh Hashana. The reason is simple: Rebbe Nachman himself told us before he left this world, Ish bal ye’ader – No one shall be missing, in other words, we Breslevers have a directive from our holy Rebbe of blessed memory to spend Rosh Hashana in Uman. This tradition was continued by Rebbe Natan zatza’l and by all subsequent generations of Rebbe Nachman’s disciples.
Intrinsically, the main coronation of The King takes place in the Kloiz, the cental prayer hall near Rebbe Nachman’s holy gravesite in Uman, which was the site of one of the greatest sanctifications of Hashem’s name in history. During the Cossack pogroms of 1728, 33,000 Jews were brutally slaughtered after they refused to give up their ancient faith. Uman is the biggest teshuva and emuna factory in the world. Amazingly enough, last year there were 33,000 Jews praying together in Uman. This year, many more are expected.
please have all of Lakewood and all klall Yisroel in mind by your tefilos.