Senator Singer secures basketball game tickets at Prudential Center for 200 Lakewood Student-Athletes

Senator Robert Singer (R-Ocean, Monmouth) is leading an effort to inform Lakewood athletes about the importance of balancing studies and sports by taking them on a trip to see the Monmouth University Hawks take on the Seton Hall Pirates in a men’s basketball game next month.

“These kids have a passion for sports, and some might even want to continue playing after high school,” Senator Singer said. “We wanted to give them a chance to get a taste of what it takes to succeed at the highest level of NCAA basketball.”

The 30th District — along with help from former Seton Hall Board of Regents member Lawrence Bathgate, General Counsel to the Lakewood Board of Education Michael Inzelbuch, Lakewood Superintendent Laura Winters and Athletic Director Vincent Curao — have arranged for approximately 200 Lakewood High School student-athletes to travel to the Prudential Center, in Newark, to see the Hawks face off against the Pirates on Nov. 12.

In addition to taking in the basketball game, the Lakewood students will hear from a member of the Seton Hall Athletic Department about the importance of balancing studies and athletics.

“Sports can be important part of a student’s life and their growth, but it’s important that they don’t forget about their school work,” Senator Singer said. “This is going to be a great opportunity for these kids to learn how to strike that balance.”

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