Senator Singer Appointed to Legislative Services Commission

Senator Robert Singer has been appointed to the Legislative Services Commission to help improve and modernize the methods, practices, and procedures of the New Jersey Legislature.

“It is truly a privilege to have the opportunity to serve on this very unique commission,” said Singer (R-30). “I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make our government more efficient and fiscally responsible so that it can more effectively serve and represent the people of New Jersey.”

The Legislative Services Commission was created in 1979 by the New Jersey Legislature. The Commission was given the responsibility to:

  • Carry on the work of continuous revision of the general and permanent statute law of the State;
  • Provide accurate budgetary, fiscal, and program performance, evaluation and analysis, and legal assistance to legislative committees and commissions and to the members of the Legislature;
  • Study the methods, practices, and procedures employed by the Legislature and make recommendations for their improvement and modernization;
  • Plan, provide for, and coordinate administrative, housekeeping, and other general services on behalf of the Legislature in the areas of purchasing, data processing, facilities, public educational programs, and legislative district offices.

Senator Singer will serve on the Commission with seven other state senators, three republicans and four democrats.

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