U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (NJ) released the below statement following President Obama’s announcement that he is nominating Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court:
“Today President Obama has fulfilled his Constitutional obligation to send to the United States Senate a nominee worthy of filling the vacancy on the Supreme Court. It is now the Constitutional duty of the United States Senate – all 100 of us – to consider this nominee through a hearing, debate and vote.
“The American people expect us to do our job, without delay and politically-motivated excuses. I take this responsibility seriously and I look forward to the opportunity to learn more about Judge Garland’s credentials, to study his record and to meet with him personally.
“I urge Republican leaders to now respect both the words of the Constitution and the voices of the American people. Let’s get to work. Democracy must not stop at the Capitol steps.”
His opinion likely would be different if it was a republican president & a democrat senate.
Same as Joe Biden flipped opinions on the same topic.