Senate Passes Bill To Force NJ State Workers To Live In-State

state workersThe New Jersey Senate approved a bill Thursday that would require state government employees to live in New Jersey. Under the bill, newly hired workers who don’t already live in New Jersey would be given one year to relocate. Those currently holding public jobs and living elsewhere would not be required to move. The largely Democratic effort aims to reserve state jobs for New Jerseyans. Republicans have opposed it. They say reducing taxes would be a better way to entice workers to live instate. Public worker unions say the bill unfairly targets public workers and worry that it could set off a border war with New York and Pennsylvania since many of their workers live in New Jersey.

The bill still needs approval in the Assembly. AP

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  1. So instead of making the workers happy they have to move to this god forsaken state and pay some of the highest property taxes and then get taxed again at the end of the year…why would they do that..I hope Jersey is ready to start hiring again..stupid laws…NJ Senate & Assembly need to worry about more of the workers staying here than forcing those that don’t to move here..Its time to start looking for outside state work..and get out of NJ

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