Since the advent of blockchain technology, its popularity among global business participants has been constantly growing. More and more companies are looking to create projects that are supported by various distributed ledgers or blockchains. But as it turned out, the ardent desire of users to fully immerse themselves in the world of blockchain led to several problems, some of which became quite painful for them. In particular, infrastructure-related issues namely the blockchain nodes, their support, and their security. As it turned out, such problems can be completely resolved using a self-hosted cluster.
Blockchain infrastructure
Let’s go back to blockchain (BC) infrastructure again. Its main component is nodes. There are many different interpretations of this term, but in the world of BC nodes are nothing but computers. And this is obvious, since it is computers that implement the primary functions of network activity, namely: they control transactions, collect and transmit votes that control the network, and also store all BC information. It follows from this that many such nodes function depending on their purpose and belong to various types of nodes.
Next constituent – the support system. It plays an important role in maintaining the efficient operation of the nodes, and hence in the overall infrastructure of the BC. The task of this system is, first of all, to ensure a high response speed of the nodes and to prevent their downtime for a long period. At the same time, various approaches and tools are used to maintain the health of the nodes, for example, monitoring, alerts, sub-architecture of various micro-services, etc.
The third important component of the BC infrastructure is a set of security measures. This complex includes many aspects, in particular, the management of private keys necessary to gain access to cryptography, the provision of protective screens (firewalls) in order to detect and filter various data from the Internet, etc.
Infrastructure as a service
From all of the above, it follows that maintaining and maintaining the BC infrastructure is not only laborious, often unproductive, but also significantly costly. This led to the fact that many companies, despite significant financial expenses, faced problems with downtime of nodes, losses in time, and errors in transactions. In addition, more and more often we have to state that dependence on centralized servers leads to a lack of tangible processing efficiency.
And now let’s ask ourselves the question – can the BC infrastructure be a kind of service? Elementary answer – yes, and our service will help you with this. We have a range of tools for all kinds of IT solutions within the BC API architecture. Using a unique open source project – PredictKube, our service will provide you with reliable scaling, which will be completely automatic. At the same time, we use the principle of operation of such a model of business implementation as SaaS. Many participants in various businesses note that the use of the functionality of this model has saved them from many worries and problems. It would also be worth noting the simplicity and comparative cheapness of its application.
The decision in favor of optimization
So, let’s sum up our topic briefly. Offering users our approach to using a single cluster for BC nodes with geographical distribution, as a result, we offer at least:
– reducing the cost of the BC infrastructure itself;
– a significant increase in response time;
– guaranteed suitable and appropriate components;
– security of your access;
– protection against cyber-attacks;
– updating nodes without delay and imperceptibly for users;
– application of our innovations to reduce the risks associated with the duration of downtime and response time;
– providing support for user projects which have the number of daily requests exceeding one and a half million;
– support for the following BC: Ethereum API, BNB API, Polygon API and Velas API.