[COMMUNICATED] This week, Seasons Lakewood, in honor of it’s opening, sponsored the entire week of Tomchei Shabbos Lakewood deliveries.
Rabbi Yaakov Trainer, Director of Development at Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood praised Seasons’ efforts which are especially appreciated in today’s unpredictable economy. “In a difficult economic climate, the demand for our services has increased, and it becomes difficult to divert our attention to fundraising activities without losing focus of our one goal: providing food for Lakewood families in need. When an organization like Seasons reaches out to us and takes the burden of an entire week’s deliveries off of our shoulders, it’s an unexpected and much appreciated relief.”
In addition to sponsoring the week’s deliveries, Seasons provided physical support and assistance with Tomchei Shabbos deliveries. “We thought about doing a ‘grand opening’ with all of the fanfare that goes with that, but that’s not what Seasons is about at all,” explained Seasons CEO Mayer Gold. “We couldn’t think of a better way to start a relationship with our new community than by using the money and effort we would otherwise spend on a grand opening to assist with one of Lakewood’s most vital needs through one of its most cherished organizations, Tomchei Shabbos.”
Ephraim Chase, manager of Seasons Lakewood points out “This isn’t a one-off thing for us. We are very much about becoming a contributing member of the Lakewood community. Our “Seasons’ Supports” campaign highlights a different tzedakah every two months and invites our customers and employees to join us in supporting these organizations through in-store donations and hands-on opportunities. The very first tzedakah to be supported through the campaign is Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood.”
Rabbi Trainer added, “As we turn our attention to the needs of the community for Purim and Pesach, it is comforting to know that Lakewood has a new supporter, neighbor and friend in Seasons. On behalf of the hundreds of families that Seasons and Tomchei Shabbos have helped feed this week, I extend a heartfelt thank you and Yasher Koach to the entire Seasons family.”
You can support Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood by calling 732- 415-8917 or going to Tomchei.com
Hats off to Seasons, I look foward to making seasons my primary store. Rabbi Trainer thank you for all that you do for the klal, it’s beyond me how you are always there for the people of lkwd be it purim pesach or rosh hashnah
What a thoughtful and generous gesture. May you have much Hatzlacha!
way too go
any business that starts off partnering by giving tzedoka and doing chesed kol hakovod they are sure to succeed iyh
I’m not sure if tomchai shabbos realizes that we’ve been out of a ressesion for a long time. They need to start a new marketing campaign. We all agree we need them but let’s stop playing up the ressesion that ended years ago.
Was there tonight. The wonderful managers and employees were super helpful. Wishing you all much success!!
High street the fact is there are a tremendous amount of family’s that at least one parent can’t find work. They are struggling on a daily basis. Where is your sensitivity.
No one said anything about recession all it says is difficult financial climate. Which is a nice way of saying people have no money to buy food. I know it is hard to believe but unfortionitly this is the reality in a Lakewood. I pray they should not be needed by anyone.
Kudos to Rav Trainer and the entire Tomchei Shabos staff and volunteers for all their hard work through out the year.
This is truly a “mi ki’amcha yisroel” moment to be recorded for posterity in the annals of jewish history of how to be a yiddishe businesses, with a yidishe heartz. Much hatzlocha to Rabbi Chase and the entire Seasons enterprise. May Hashem shower you with mazal and brochah.
Thank you Seasons.
Hatzlacha Raba!
Thank you so much RAV CHASE and all the wonderfull staff may you have much hatzlacha in making seasons a really succesfull hit in llkwd . was just there and looks magnifacent .btw love the idea of not making a grand opening and waisting money when u can put that money to an amaizing cause and still get the publicty ! hatzlach rabah
Does that mean their delivery truck with logo will drop off? We really appreciate the discretion as probably others do. I ask please don’t do it that way. It’s already bad enough depending on this with out bringing more attention to our family.
Thank you Seasons- P.s. Trainer ROCKS!!! EFRAIM CHASE IS KING.
Kol Hakavod to R’ Tzvi Bloom & the wonderful Seasons staff!!!
The manger seen in the above photo is not ephraim.For thos that are wondering its Mr. deer a dedicated chaverim member.
keep up the good work