As previously posted on TLS (here and here), the NJ Legislature is set to consider passage of the Opportunity Scholarship Act which is a Corporate Tax Scholarship Bill. This is the first time any Bill supporting any form of tuition relief for private school students has ever been seriously considered in the NJ Legislature. Passage of this bill will help some eligible parents with their tuition. It does not give any additional funding to Mosdos. A Rally in support of this bill and our cause has been scheduled to take place in front of the Statehouse in Trenton tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.
Buses for men will be leaving starting at 8:45 AM from Forest Avenue and 9th Street and separate buses for women from Forest & 10th Street.
The Governor is spending major political capital on this bill and very much wants to see it passed. We must support him in this effort. It is very important that we have a very large crowd of adults in addition to the school children, to impress on both the Governor and members of the Legislature that our community is enthusiastically supportive of School Choice and the Opportunity Scholarship Act.
Senator Ray Lesniak and Senator Tom Kean Jr., together with other members of the Legislature are putting themselves on the line against the NJEA (The Teachers Union) to pass this Bill. Our supporters in Trenton are expecting us to bring a large crowd. We must show them that we are there for them and want this legislation passed.The School Choice Coalition and the Legislature must see that Lakewood and the State wide Frum community are serious about seeing change in the way education is funded, and we have to be considered a major force in this battle for education funding reform.
Our Coalition leaders feel that a turnout of several thousand people in support of our cause-is essential. Members of the School Choice Coalition from the entire State will be present for the Rally. It is imperative that our Kehilla be well represented at this Rally, in large numbers.
Is Herschel going to be there, and what does Senator Bob have to say about all this?
How are our mosdos considered failing?
I’ll be there!
I can be there, and cash in on this golden cow.
what exactly is this bill?
a tax credit for money spent on tuition?
Are they going to hear Rabbi Juravel tapes on the way? After all, we still want them learning ..
What ever happened to “Kol Kevuda Bas Melech Penima”? My daughter is staying home tomorrow.
Why would our women and children be going to such a thing? Not that I think it’s tsnius for a man to be protesting, but let’s say it is. you have all just discredited all your stories on how you feel about tznius
Just make sure to pay full tuition…ontime
and is it tzniusdik for all the yugerlite s wifes to go out and work in offices so that they can pay tuition???????????
Does the Rosh HaYeshiva feel that girls belong there? I find that hard to believe. i for one am leaving my daughter home tomorrow.
Going to work is one thing standing in public for the purpose of being noticed is something else.
אין מבטלים תינוקות של בית רבן אפי׳ לבנין בית המקדש
all of u cut it out and just listen to the rosh hayeshiva and go. they know better about tznius than u do so stop grepsing and get as many people out there as we can.
ithink this will be groise yeshua for lakewood
Did the Rosh Hayeshiva approve of the girls going?????????
#12 I. Guess you never worked in a office to know what working conditions are all about I can tell u its not ideal. Still standing in a crowd with thousands of others ??
Are the daughters approved to go?
to #16 yes!!!!!!!!! and in fact he is the one pushing that they should go
who is paying for the buses ???
why did Rav Yerucham not sign?
My gradmother will be there
To those of you keeping your girls home tomorrow…make sure they dont leave the house…to like go to the mall or whatever..or maybe totally like whatever go shmoooz with their freinds like right outside Shoprite…y’know what I mean or like I’m saying or whatever.
teach them they are going to the rally instead of the boys so the boys can learn.
Surely, the most valuable lesson they can learn in 9 years of elementary school. What a beautiful lesson for when they grow-up and get married, and support their husbands learning.
is it right to use our kids as pawns in a political battle
Ain mevatli does not apply to girls.
your kids are not pawns. its their education. ist your mosdos. for once andd for all stop being selfish and do something for your mosdos.
its also your job to mechanech your kids not just the mosdos. So A)show that you listen to daas torah b) prove and be part of the klal if you or your children CAN go and c) show derech eretz kodma latorah.
Approximately twelve years ago, tens of thousands of Yidden gathered on Wall Street for a demostration protesting the Israeli Supreme Court. Men, women and children were there, all the Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs sent their students on busses.
A few weeks before that, half a million Yidden in Eretz Yisroel gathered in downtown Yerushalayim to protest the Israeli Supreme Court. Men, women, and children were there – a half million strong!!
I don’t recall anyone wondering if girls should go or not. Then again, TLS wan’t around yet twelve years ago to provide a forum for those that obsess about Tznius.
There was no where near 500,000 at that rally. I was there. Me and about 200,000 others.
is this for black hats only?????
it is ridiculous and crum frum to say it’s not tzniusdik – high school girls protested in the past whether for autopsies, to collect money for eretz yisrael – as a group – noone is looking at the girl herself – wake up and think for a change!!!!
How can you silence your children, they grow up, they become parents also, as far as women protesting, many women have sat on a planning Board, etc School Board here in Lakewood, many women teach in Public schools,
Were their children aware that they represented people and gave advice voted on these Boards, GIMME A BREAK
please comment if you are going to the rally. it doesn’t seem like there is much support from tls. i am going. Is it going to be a coach bus-so i can take my baby. Anyone have an idea if it would it even be possible to go with a baby?
they are school buses but you can take tour baby there will be busses just for women and they will leave the middle seats empty for comfort . the ride is only 40 minutes