School Board Issues Letter about Referendum Vote; A “Yes” Vote Will Permanently Raise Taxes

referendum voteLakewood voters will be presented with the following ballot question this week:

“That there should be raised an additional $6,200,000 for General Funds in 2015-16 school year. These taxes shall be used exclusively for non-mandated transportation services for public and non-public students. Approval of these taxes will result in a permanent increase in the district’s tax levy. These proposed additional expenditures are in addition to those necessary to achieve the Core Curriculum Content Standards.”

The vote will take place this Tuesday, January 26.

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  1. Dear Lakewod Residents –

    Don’t be fooled !!!

    There is a legal distinction between pure courtesy bussing and hazardous bussing .

    Hazardous bussing is required to be provided .

    Also -something is NOT making sense .

    Please review the number of hazardous bussing reported on the most recent state report and then compare to what the monitor /board is now reporting as those who will be effected if the referendum doesn’t pass .

    Something isn’t adding up !!!

    More to follow

  2. This state moniter is obviously very non qualified. Who does he think will vote yes? No sane taxpayer or wana be tax payer will actually go to the polls and vote for a permanent tax increase. Only someone who never plans on owning a home and is low in intelligence will maybe vote for this.

  3. State law recognizes that the municipal governing body is legally responsible for the safety of vehicles and pedestrians along public roads. NJSA 18A:39-1.2, paraphrased below, clearly indicates the governing body is primarily responsible for contracting with the board and paying for busing the governing body deems necessary for safety reasons. It also makes clear in the last sentence that the board of education “may” pay but is not required to pay. As of its last independent audit, the governing body had a $12 million surplus that was collected from local taxpayers, twice the amount needed to retain nonmandated busing.

    NJSA 18A:39-1.2. When the governing body finds that for safety reasons it is desirable to provide transportation for pupils not living remote from the school, the governing body and the board of education are authorized to enter into a contract, under which the board shall provide such transportation. Any funds required to be paid by the municipality to the board of education under such a contract shall be appropriated by the governing body and paid to the district. The governing body may charge the parents of children who are transported for safety reasons to defray expenses, except for a child who is eligible for free and reduced price meals. A board of education may provide transportation at its own expense. (Paraphrased)

  4. This letter is misleading, because all children who have to cross a major road will get bussing even if they live right across the street from their school. I wonder if they wrote this letter in Spanish also. For those parents who can’t read English.

  5. This is ridiculous. WE as in all of Lakewood, NEED TO FIGHT IN TRENTON to get the funding we deserve. THe state formula will not has not and never will work for Lakewood. THe formula could never imagine a community where the private school dwarfs public schools…. We need to FIGHT and be ready cuz it will be a real fight.

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