The BOE elections fiasco which sent elections from April to November and then back to April is not over yet, according to an announcement from the Board’s President. Board Of Education President Carl Fink says the decision to hold elections in April, cost the district $60,000.
Lakewood was the only district in the County to hold elections in April. All other districts in the County – and most around the State – chose to hold the elections during the General elections season in November.
During the recent BOE meeting, the board announced that they will once again discuss moving school elections to November in an effort to cut costs. TLS.
Are these people for real!!!!!!?????
There is a reason not to move it because then a 2% budget increase can be done every year without the public approving it.This will far exceed the claim of $60,000 cost.
Dont be stupid.Call the Board Members and dont let them approve this.
They knew going in that it was going to cost them money.Should have stuck with the first vote and gone to the Nov. elections instead of letting people talk them into changing it.
Very good idea for a different reason:All Lakewood elections seem to cause too much machlokes etc. to surface. Lets minimize the amount of times a year we are subjected to it
These guys are amazing. They are reforming the entire BOE, not letting any special interests stop them. WOW!!
Sorry but once the motion was made to keep in april the law requires for you to keep it for 4 years, the attorney should know this.
Also you should hold accountable the person who stated that keeping it in april would cost the district only 30K!!
Well I don’t agree with this, when I shleped out to vote for whomever I did, I agreed to vote you in for 3 years and only 3 years not a day longer, imagine president Obama tells us tmrw he decided he’s doing a fantastic job and is staying for another year. This law should be decided by the voters its a conflict of interest meaning Seitler,fink and Zlatkin would be voting on themselves to keep them in for another 7 months.
One step at a time. One issue at a time. Pragmatic, well thought out, well planned issues.
We are blessed to have this BOE.
The previous board was the one that kept zigzagging on the date. This new board wants to revisit the issue, and decide once and for all for the good of Lakewood voters. (Unlike the previous board that kept changing their minds, depending on the special interests of the day.)
The professionalism of this board is a breath of fresh air. They are tackling each issue one by one, and the results are truly marvelous. In fact, morale is up in the BOE – a first of its kind!
To 12:22,
The law is once its moved to Nov then it has to stay for 4 years. There is no law not allowing it to move to Nov after a vote to keep it in April. So before you know their lawyer, learn the law!
You sound like a smart individual answer numbers 7, because I couldn’t agree with him more, seitler fink and zlatkin should have to abstain from this vote 4sure and somehow on the general election the town should decide
when will they decide, after the dead line for others to vote
I knew right off you were never going to post my comment even though it didn’t break any guide lines. It’s all about the people you know. I’m guessing Mr. Inzelbuch is a friend of yours.
Why should Misters Fink, Seitler, and Zlatkin abstain from a vote to move the School District election to November?
This is a School District decision, a financial decision, and a logical decision to move the election. All 9 members of the BOE need to be heard.
What other school district in NJ believed that members whose terms would be extended, should not vote? NONE.
It is part of the statute that extends terms of BOE members whose terms would have expired in April to November. If the statute would have intended to have members abstain from the vote, the statute would have included that statement. Because the statute is silent on the issue, no member should abstain.