“At Minyan Shelanu, the highest standards of behavior and tzinus are expected, and the event will reflect this ideal. Minyan Shelanu kindly requests that teenage girls not attend the event unless accompanied by a parent.”
Rides, popcorn, cotton candy and bbq will all start at 6pm. Hadlakah and live music at 7:30pm. Drawing for $10,000.00 raffle at 10pm.
To purchase a raffle ticket and support the Boys program click here.
To purchase a raffle ticket and support the Girls program click here.
To bid on the zchus of lighting the bonfire click here.
No teenage girls without a parent?? What nonsense is that??? But boys can?
As far as I remember it’s a boys program hence the name minyan
Where is it being?
I think it’s the boys who need supervision, not the girls!
And how will u make sure that the girls are there with their parents?
Calm down, it’s for tznius purposes, just avoiding a mixed hangout. Just think of all the women and girls only events, no boys at all. This event is run by a boys school, ergo it’s a men’s and boy’s event, while allowing for teenage girls to attend as well, when accompanied by a parent. This is not meant to reflect on anyone’s level of maturity.
Response To comment number 1: there will not be any need to supervise the Teenage boys concerning Tznius issues if there are no unaccompanied Teenage Girls at the event
As the boys will not have any girls to socialize with and hang around with unless they want to do it in the presance of the teenage girls Mother and or Father which is highly doubtful