As the first and only Orthodox Jewish member of the state legislature, Assemblyman Gary Schaer (D-Bergen/Passaic) on Monday took particular umbrage with inflammatory, racist rhetoric posted online by Elmwood Park School Board Trustee Gladys Gryskiewicz and joined a growing chorus of voices calling on her to resign.
Gryskiewicz allegedly wrote on her Facebook page “Why now are we giving into the Muslims way of life? The French told them to get lost. This is what our President should be emulating.” In another post she states, “We cannot allow Islam to take over.” There was also an alleged African-American remark on her page.
“The comments that have repeatedly surfaced online by Ms. Gryskiewicz are wildly inappropriate and complete unbefitting of a member of a public school board or any elected or appointed office holder, for that matter..
“As someone charged with representing the needs of every child in the school system, it is disconcerting to hear her singling out an entire group as unwelcome in this country,” sais Schaer.
“Children learn what they live. The last thing this country and state can afford is for a young, impressionable child to hear these unacceptable expressions and feel inadequate or unaccepted in the eyes of their school leaders. Our public education system must serve the needs of every child, indiscriminate of race, religion or creed.
“The right thing, and the only thing, for Ms. Gryskiewicz to do is resign immediately.”
You can’t force anyone to resign (or cause any type of harm) based upon a disagreement with their First Amendment protected speech.
You can fire her if you establish that she surrendered her independent judgment to special interest(s) or partisan political groups or used the schools for personal gain or for the gain of her friends, in the courts.
I think Schaer and his colleagues would do better to review the actual unacceptable and hate filled expressions that the impressionable children learn in the curriculum of thousands of taxpayer funded charter schools. Not to mention the corrupted morality taught through the public school curriculum. If your going to talk the talk, walk the walk.
@right forest wrong tree
That’s why you weren’t elected!!!!
As if there were real elections.