[PHOTO] The Satmar Dayan, Harav Betzalel Klein Shlita, will be sitting Shivah in Lakewood for his mother, Rebetzin Toba Klein A’H, who was Nifteres over Yom Tov. Rebetzin Toba was the wife of Harav Eluzer Klein Zatzal, the Av Beis Din of Khilas Yereim in Be’er Sheva in Eretz Yisroel.
The Dayan will be sitting Shivah at his home, 307 6th Street, until Thursday morning.
Click here for more details.
Nichum Aveilim via fax can be sent to 732-370-9096.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
bourach ‘dayan’ haemes,
the dayan and rav is such a special person I believe most ppl really don’t know of his greatness.
may the rav know only of simchas!
it is true he has a vast knowledge in many chelakim of shas and the torah
I dont know if any comentators understand were the dayan grew up. it was a home of mesiras nefesh for shmiras shabbos & every small mitzvah. his father and mother taught them how to live like a frum yid with mesiras nefesh every second of the day.
may she be a meilitz yosher for him and every person that is mechazek him.
Its not only about how many areas in Torah that he is familiar with. The Dayan is a big Yerei Shomayim and holds on very dearly to the mesorah that was passed to him. Its not an easy town for him to stick to this Mesorah with such “attention to detail”. We must all appreciate this and give him the tremendous respect he deserves. Besuros Tovos!
The Dayen is a big Talmid Chuchum & a yiras shamayim . A real chassidisher Erliche Yid !