The Sanz-Klausenberg Kehila opened their Mosdos in Lakewood 8 years ago.
And today kn”h boast over a combined 800 talmidim and talmidos in their Talmud Torah, Girls School, and Girls High school.
Responding to their considerable growth, Talmud Torah Sanz Klausenberg on Thursday broke ground on what will be a magnificent, state of the art building.
The new, 40,000 square foot building is being built on the corner of Shefa Chaim and Argyle Ave, and will iyh include 18 large classrooms, a beautiful Beis Medresh, large kitchen facilities, dining room, and administrative offices.
hopefully they will make sure to have proper parking, especially if they plan on making simchos there as well
Hopefully, all the planning for the continuing future of our frum kehillos in חוץ לארץ will not come to pass, and that instead, we’ll be very soon (iy”H) building only in our Eretz HaKodesh.