Route 70 Flea Market To Be Open Wednesdays This Summer

flea_market_rt_70_tlsStarting June 1st, the Route 70 Auction and Flea Market will be adding another day to its current weekly schedule. The market will be opening up Wednesdays all summer long in addition to its current Friday, Saturday, and Sunday schedule.

With gas prices on the rise and families having to tighten their budgets more and more each week, the need to buy food, clothing, toys, and other essentials at reduced prices is needed now more than ever.

Over 30 years ago, Ray Reynolds saw this need and opened up the Route 70 Auction and Flea Market. Ray’s plan was to have a local place where the citizens of Ocean County could spend a beautiful New Jersey day walking the acres of tables surrounded by the wooded lots of Lakewood. A place where you
could bring all of the things you no longer need from your home and sell them for cash, while spending the day with your family.

The Route 70 Flea Market is now run by the 2nd generation Reynolds family.

Admission for shoppers is free. TLS.

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  1. Remember, as with any flea market, the asking price is usually 20-25% higher than what the seller expects. ALWAYS haggle and you will almost certainly pay less that the original asking price.

  2. No the Market wasnt sold. The land can not be developed. The market is the low point between Rt 70 and the neighborhood behind it. If the land was leveled and developed, Rt 70 and the neighborhood would flood.

  3. Actually, this is a great idea, a family from up North were on their way to the shore and had asked me are their any flea markets during the week, as they do not travel in the summer on weekends, THIS IS A GREAT ATTRACTION ALSO TO THOSE WHO ARE planning on visiting the area.

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