by C.M. The blizzard this past weekend shut down most of Lakewood on Sunday, but it could not succeed in shutting down the Kol Torah of the talmidim of Mesivta Shaar HaTorah.
Although Talmidim were unable to physically come to the yeshiva, the Yeshiva brought the Beis Medrash to them, by arrang a special teleconference between the Rosh Yeshivah and Talmidim.
The Rosh Yeshivah Rav Naftoli Binyomin Paskes delivered a Shiur with Divrei Chizuk, followed by a Halacha Shiur by Reb Leibish Heller, a Magid Shiur in the Yeshiva.
“Aside from the enjoyable Shiurim that the talmidim experienced, the other subliminal message that the talmidim received was that at Mesivta Shaar Torah, the Kol Torah must never stop – snow or no snow,” a parent said.
Our sons class Kitta Alef at Yeshiva Stolin Lakewood had a phone conference with their Rebbe Rabbi Perlowitz today and yesterday . What a great yeshiva, they learned, heard a מעשה and reminded to help and behave.
Rav Paskes was my Rebbi over 20 years ago in Torah Vodas. He is a true role model and experienced Mechanech who would do anything to ensure his Talmidims Hatzlacha
Rav Paskes Shlita was my 10th grade rabbi in Torah Vodaath a few years back, I’ve always said from the bottom of my heart that it is in his zchus no one in my class went off the derech