Rosh Chaburah At BMG To Release First Sefer

krauss seferHarav Tzvi Meir Krauss Shlita, a Rosh Chaburah at BMG, will be releasing a Sefer in the coming weeks TLS has learned. The Sefer, (pictured) on Hilcos T’vilah and Yichud, includes the Chaburas given by Harav Krauss Shlita at BMG over the last three years as well as new Chidushim. Harav Krauss Shlita, a Rosh Chaburah for approximately six years, is the son of renowned Poisek Harav Chaim Krauss Shlita of Flatbush, and is a Morah Horaah at the Bais Horaah of Lakewood, under the leadership of Harav Hagaon Reb Shloime Miller Shlita.

The Sefer is expected to be released in approximately two weeks.

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